Haunted house!?

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Grabber, a little bit of sexual assault,and kisses
No one's pov:
Robin finny Vance Bruce Billy and Griffin were at lunch playing around when Vance decide to tell everyone if they wanted to go to the carnival that was open today.They all agreed and they all decided to go in sprat cars 

Finny pov:
I got home and ran past Gwen and up to my room to get ready.I put on a plain black shirt,some jeans, and a pair of converse but before I left I got robins bandana and put it around my head.

Robin pov:
I got home and said hi to my mom and went upstairs to room to get ready.I put on a crop top and one of Finn's sweater he left behind,I put on some baggy pants and a pair of Vans.

Vance pov:
To be honest the reason that I invited them to come with me to the carnival was one because I knew robin wasn't scared of anything but I knew he was scared of zombies and there was a haunted house there and it had zombies in it so thought I would make him go in there and finny could go with him.Those two really need to get together it makes my head hurt how much they flirt but then say there just "friends". And also because it's actually really fun to hangout with them there all really good friends.

I put on a plain white shirt and a sweater over it,then I put on a pair of black pants and for the shoes Vans.

Time skip to the haunted house (I was to lazy to write what the others put on 🥲)

No one's pov:
Once they all arrived to the spot they were meeting up they went in and bought there wristband to get in. They all wanted to pair up with there boyfriends and spend some time with them.Vance went with Bruce,Billy went with Griffin and last robin with finny. Before finny left Vance quickly whispered in his ear and they both gave each other a thumbs up.

Finny pov:
Me and robin went on many rides and they actually weren't that scary not even the rollercoaster it was pretty fun.We did go on this one ride that I did get scared but robin held my hand after that and he wouldn't let go not once.That just made my heart start beating more.

Robin pov:
It was so fun going on so many rides with Finn I mostly liked the one we're he got scared that gave me the chance to hold his hand and not let go. We were now walking around looking for a ride to get on when from the corner of my eye I could see someone looking at me or well us. "Finn" I said stoping "yeah" he said back "I don't know if it's just me but I feel like that man is starting at us' I said quietly "I mean he could just be looking at someone else" he said letting my hand go "are you sure" I said to him but confused on why he let my hand go "yeah" he said back "wait here I'll go get you a drink"he said running off.I just sat down on a bench and waited for him to come back but all of the sudden the man came up to me.

"Hey kid" he said in a scary tone but I didn't say anything back "you like candy" he said getting a lollipop out of his pocket 'No thanks I don't really eat candy" I said standing up and starting to walk off but he quickly grabbed my hand and brought it up to his face kissing it.I slapped his face but he quickly grabbed my waist and covered my mouth and brought me to a spot that no one was in.He started to crease my face with his hand while the other hand was around my waist.I didn't like it so I kicked him really hard and ran off to find Finny,after I found him I hald on to him for dear life I didn't want to be apart from him anymore "robin are you alright"he said puting the drink's down and hugging me "no Finn th-that hijo de puta" I said stuttering "hey hey shh calm down" he said cupping my face "NO FINN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH JUTS NOW HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO-" finny cut me off by giving me a kiss.

My heart began to pound and I started to sweat.We broke apart from the kiss and looked at each other "is that better" he said smiling"y-yeah" I said back "there they are" said Griffin jumping onto of Finn."Get off griffin" Finn said spinning around trying to take Griffin off of him "Nope" Griffin said laughing.After that we all were now just walking around but then Vance lead us all to this haunted house."What is this" said Bruce "well this is the haunted house I was talking about" Vance said face us "umm yeah there is no way I'm going in there" I said backing up a bit "why are you scared that a zombie might come and bite you" Vance said laughing"no I'm not dip shit I just don't feel like going" I said with an angry and embarrassed tone "come on rob let's go" Finn said holding my hand uhh how that made my heart beat "fine" I said back to vance "alright let's go in" Vance said.

No one's pov:
They all went in and all the jump scares quickly started but they were mostly zombies and obviously the one screaming was robin.After they got to the end Vance, Bruce,Billy,and Griffin were all laughing while finny was holding robins hand.

Finny pov:
"Ha you wimp" said Vance "oh shut up Vance"said robin but with a sleepy tone "hey you tired" I said looking at robin "a little" he said back "let me carry you" I said getting down "no no Finn I'm to heavy" he said pulling me back up "trust me robin your not heavy" I said getting back on the ground "fine" he said getting on my back.Aftet he got on we all walked out of the carnival and said our goodbyes. I walked to my car and I could feel robin about to sleep "you can sleep if you want" i said smiling "mhm thanks" he said back "my sweater looks good on you by the way" I said chuckling " yeah and my bandana looks good on you too"he said falling asleep "love you too" I said with a bright smile. 

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