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Kid: Rinny, brance, briffin
Vance mom: Catherine Hopper
Robins parents : Maria Arellano & Juan Reyes
Finneys and Gwen's parents : Terrence Blake & Eleanor Harper
Bruce parents: Harumi yamada & Jiro Kimura
Grffins mom: Alice stagg
Billy mom: Morgan showalter

It was raining. It had been raining for a while now and Vance was getting all fussy about it. He sat on the couch as he frowned at the window where he could see the dark sky and rain. Catherine sighed as she looked at her grumpy son. "Vance, darling the rain isn't going to go away even if you try to stare at it"

Vance frowned even more and continued to stare. "It might. You never now" Vance whispered so only he could hear himself. Catherine softly chuckled as she grabbed her son and placed him on her lap. "Vancey, what if I call your friends over for a sleepover? Would you like that". Vance lit up and nodded his head as he ran to his room to get it ready for them.

Catherine laughed as she got up and walked towards the phone that was placed on the wall.

After she called each women she sat on the couch as she drank her Coffe and Vance impatiently checked out of the window for his friends. Finally after some time there was a knock at the door. Vance then suddenly ran to his room. Catherine sighed and walked towards the door to open it. She greeted each mother and kid

Maria gave her a warm smile as Robin walked inside and looked all around the room. Eleanor thanked her for having her son over. Finney went to robins side as he grabbed his hand and held him close to him. Grffin and Billy entered together as they smiled. Bruce walked in last as he stared at his mother.

"See you guys tomorrow okay" There mothers said before waving goodbye. Catherine closed the door and looked at the boys. "Vance is in his room" Robin quickly ran towards his room as the other little boys followed. Robin burst in the room seeing Vance in his bed. "Get up wussy" Robin said as he smiled at Vance

Vance rolled his eyes and got down from his bed. He looked at all the boys. "So wh-" Robin pushed him onto the ground and looked at him. "Let's eat" Vance frowned. "No you fatty" Vance said as he got up. Robin rolled his eyes. "I'm hungry Vance. Do you have candy" Vance nodded as he pointed at his drawer.

Robin ran to it and opened it. He smiled as he saw the candies. He picked out his favorites as the other boys sat on the floor and began to play a random game they thought of.
It was now 11:40 and all the boys where on the couch watching a movie. Finney held robins hand as he smiled and focused only on him. Vance noticed and rolled his eyes. "Could never be me" he mumbled before Bruce yawned and laid his head on his shoulder.

Vance blushed and smiled as he looked at Vance. Catherine came into the living room and saw the boys still wide awake. "What are you guys still doing up?" He asked. Vance looked at his mother. "Where watching a movie mama" Catherine smiled. "But it's past your bed time honey. Come on time to sleep"

Vance shook his head. "No! I don't wanna". He frowned. Catherine sighed. "Fine then. Guess the boogeyman is going to come and eat all your favorite toys" Vance looked at her and shook his head. "Noooo!" He began crying as Bruce looked at him and patted his head. Robin laughed as he looked at him.

Catherine shook her head and walked towards him as she picked him up. "Baby I was kidding. The boogeyman alone does that to bad kids. Your not a bad kid right". Vance shook his head. "Then he won't steal your toys. Now time to sleep" She grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. "Come on boys" she said to the other kids

Bruce, Grffin and Billy got off of the couch and followed them. Finney got off and took robins hand as he walked with him. Robin smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Finney blushed and smiled as he hugged him and continued to walk with him.

Once they got to Vance room Catherine laid Vance on his bed as she then picked up the other boys and laid them next to him. Vance wrapped himself on Bruce as he hugged him and wouldn't let go after. Catherine kissed her sons cheek before turning the lights off and closing the door.

Once alone Robin smirked. "Vance you big cry baby". Vance frowned. "You potato head" Robin frowned. "You have a big head". Vance gasped and sat up. "You have a big forehead" Robin also did that me same. "Your ugly". Vance threw him a pillow. "Well your uglier".

They kept going on and on until they made up and went to sleep. The other three boys where finally happy they stopped so they could get some rest.
The next morning the kids woke up to see there parents in the living room. Robin ran up to his dad as he hugged him. "hola bebe te divertiste"
Translation: hi baby, did you have fun

Robin nodded as he birdied his head into his others neck. Finney sat him his mother as he smiled at robin. "He's beautiful" Finney mumbled. Grffin looked at him. "And your ugly" Finney rolled his eyes and continued to look at him.

Catherine was talking to all the moms(😍) as they laughed and enjoyed there company. The dads where talking to one another outside and the kids where on the floor as they played around. Finney held robin close as he hugged him. Robin giggled as he hugged him back in witch Finney squealed and hugged him tighter.

He looked at robin as he was about to kiss him when Vance pulled robin back and shook his head at Finney. "Only people who love each other do that. Robin doesn't love you. Your ugly 🙄". Finney frowned and sat down on the floor. Vance stuck his tongue out and walked back to Bruce.

Robin laughed as he sat next to Finney and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry I like you" Finney lit up. "As a friend" Finney looked at him with a sad face. Robin only smiled and hugged him. Finney sighed and hugged back

Grffin and Billy where reading a book together. Grffin read out loud as Billy listened. "Your really good griff". Grffin smiled and thanked him. Billy smiled too and continued to listen. Vance and Bruce where learning the multiplication. Or we'll Bruce forced Vance into learning it with him
The rest of the day they just ended up hanging out with each other until all the boys went back to there homes. Catherine picked up her son and walked towards the window. "Look baby. It's not raining anymore". Vance nodded as he rubbed his eyes.

"I'm tired mama. I wanna sleep now". Catherine chuckled as he kissed her sons cheek and heard to his room. "Okay then baby you can sleep". Vance smiled as he laid in his bed and cuddled up with his teddy bear. "Night mama". He said. Catherine smiled. "Night baby. Sweet dreams" she said before turning the lights off and closing the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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