Out of the Sky - A BDO Story by @angerbda

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Out of the Sky

by angerbda 

Coily felt it before all else. It almost tasted like doom... 

First came the rumbling. The tremors shook the quiet land of the forest realm.

Hunter heard it before all else. It almost sounded like the doors of Hell opening on Earth...

The event was a first, a terrifying first occurrence within the memory of the inhabitants of the region. The rambling of the earth wreaked havoc in a deafening madness.

Little Jack and his sister, Bun-Bun, did not feel or hear anything. They saw it...

It looked like a piece of a pillar of the sky fell down. Out of the sky, dropped on the ground by giants...

As it is often the case, the young ones found adventure and mystery in the affair. The older ones, however, pondered and cautiously analyzed the situation. To leave or not to leave, that was the question...

"Sure Mom!"

Oh, well, the mother thought. The children would be back later for a snack, with the need to satisfy their empty stomachs winning over their need of adventure.

Little Jack's mother looked at the back of her son fading between the trees. She told him they would move out later in the evening, but Little Jack and his sister, Bun-Bun, were still children. And children do what children do, they say yes to their parents but do whatever crosses their mind the next moment.

This time, the children had a defined objective for their next adventure. Everyone talked about it. It was all a mystery. Puzzling. Even a bit frightening, if they could believe Old Bones. Old Bones was the name of the elder who usually recounted stories of ancient time to the younger bunch. In his stories, only once did he talk about a huge rock falling out of the sky. He called it a meteor. And another time, maybe, there had been a strangely shaped and colored cloud that stayed for a long time above the trees of their forest. This thing, though, this object dropped from nowhere was a first. And it made it all the more intriguing for the younger ones.

"Hurry, Bun-Bun!" Little Jack pressed his sister, "we need to go fast if we want to have enough time to check on it!"

All the adults had been talking about the noise that had resonated in every corner of the forest earlier in the day. Only Old Bones took the time to answer the young ones. Yes, it had been a really strange and loud noise, he had said. And he did not remember ever hearing something alike before, he also confirmed. When Old Bones had talked about it, a frown grew on his face. His looks at that moment, rather than what everything had been said before, had brought on Little Jack's mind the idea of investigating the whole affair.

"Wait for me, Jack-Jack," his sister called between short breaths. They had been running for a short ten minutes but the many turns and twist little Jack had taken made her short legs stumble.

"Don't make so much noise, Bun-Bun," the brother scolded in a hushed voice, "we don't know if the monsters are still there. They'll hear us!"

Old Bones had seemed almost frightened earlier as he talked to the children. He even said there would be a good chance that they all would need to relocate. This, little Jack thought, could only mean one thing. Aliens! He talked about monsters to his sister, because this is what the young ones believe every stranger is, but he knew better. Aliens have been trying to invade their territory for a time now. Little Jack had seen unnatural traces in many places to prove it. He did not tell it to his parents or friends because he wanted to uncover the greatest mystery of all time. And also because everyone always told him to stop dreaming when he started talking about the aliens.

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