The birth of Viperine Megan Gorgon

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It was April 18th, 1997. Stheno Gorgon, the eldest of the Gorgons, was about to give birth to her first child. "Medusa and Euryale!" Stheno shouted from the living room, sitting on the sofa, holding her soon-to-be-gone baby bump. The two younger sisters rush down to their older sister's aid. "What's wrong, is it time?" Euryale asked in excitement, clapping her hands. Here's the thing: the baby wasn't due until May, but I guess he or she decided to make an early appearance. Stheno was breathing and having contractions. "Yeah, the baby's coming!" During Stheno's fourth month of pregnancy, she decided to have a homebirth because she didn't trust hospitals. "Stheno, we gotta get you to a hospital." Said Medusa, helping Stheno stand up. "I hate hospitals! Maybe I can get my baby to stay inside a little longer." Stheno said, groaning in pain.

Medusa and Euryale recognized their sister's nonsense and prepared everything she might need: diapers, an extra mattress, swaddling blankets, baby clothes, mommy clothes, a changing mat, bottles, baby formula, and bibs. "We're getting you to the nearest...." Medusa stopped mid-sentence, seeing that Stheno went to her vanity and started putting on makeup. "Stheno, what are you doing?" Euryale asked, arms folded. "If I'm going to have my baby, I want to look cute doing it." The two young sisters looked at each other and laughed. "Stheno, are you out of your mind?! You look like you're about to pop!" Medusa exclaimed. Stheno just giggled and rolled her eyes. She then felt a sharp pain; liquid rolling down her legs. She looked down, her snake eyes widened, "My water broke!" She whispered under her breath. "Okay, we gotta get you to a hospital, come on!" Euryale said, grabbing the diaper bag.

At the hospital, Stheno was in agonizing pain, it was more than she could bear. "Ugh....what day is it?!" Stheno yelled, throwing her head back and forth onto the pillow of her hospital cot. "It's April 18th." Said Medusa while reading a magazine. "Lord, why couldn't this child just wait a little longer?!" Stheno cried, putting a pillow over her face, screaming into it. As much as she wanted to be a mother, she didn't want to deal with all this pain. As time went by the doctor finally rolled in, "Hello Miss Gorgon, how are you feeling on a scale from one to ten?" The doctor said, holding up 10 fingers. Stheno held up 9 fingers. "My baby wasn't supposed to be due until...." Stheno stops mid-sentence, takes a breath, then sneezes. "Achoo! Excuse me." There was a little pop! Everyone except for Stheno looked down. There she was, Stheno's baby girl. The baby began to wail, cry, and make slight movements. Stheno looked between her legs and gasped. "Oh, my goddess, hello sweetheart." Stheno whispers and picks up her baby, Medusa grabs a baby blanket from the diaper bag and hands it to the doctor. The doctor walks over to the new mother, takes the baby girl, wraps her into the blanket; and hands her back to her mommy.

Stheno and her sisters couldn't believe their eyes. "Hello my love. I'm your mommy, and these are your aunties, Medusa and Euryale. The child slightly rubbed her eyes and looked at the three women in her view. As she smiled, her little snakes hissed in adoration. The sisters look at the infant's snakes then at each other. "What should I name her?" Stheno, who was holding her infant, spoke out. "The snakes in her hair are like vipers. I think you should name her Viperine." Medusa said, silently waving at her little niece. Stheno then hummed to herself, "Viperine, Viperine Gorgon." The child babbled and smiled. Her mom and aunts looked down at her. "You like that name? Do you like Viperine?" Stheno coos to her daughter, then kisses her forehead. "Welcome to Barcelona, Viperine. Mommy loves you; we all love you."


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