Part 20

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Rooster's PoV

Summer was already at the hospital getting the surgeries she needed. Mav was at the base interrogating the person who shot Summer and that person happens to be Sarah. They are trying to found out who she was working with.
I am at the waiting room, hoping for good news. I called phoenix and she was on her way here with hangman.
I kept looking at my phone, looking at the time. I've been waiting for 3 hours.
As i was waiting, i've been thinking. Why would someone ever wanted summer dead? She has done nothing wrong to anyone.

"Mr. Bradshaw?" the doctor said.

"Yes, i am. Any update on angie?"

"We just finished the surgery, she got 2 bullets inside of her. The one in the stomach nearly ruptured one of the important artery, the iliac artery. She's lucky that it wasn't ruptured. She could be paralyzed if it did happen. The good news is, everything went well, and she's gonna be put in the icu for 1 night for observation. You can see her if you want to, but she's still on sedation. She should wake up in 1 or 2 hours. The nurse at the icu will tell you what you need to do to get in."

"Thank you so much, doctor."

I decided to call Mav first before going to the ICU.

"Rooster, how was it?"

"All good mav. They just finished the surgery, she's in ICU right now for observation. I'm about to go see her. Any update on sarah?"

"Ah thank God she's okay. Please help me take care of her. I'll be right there after i finish with this interrogation. Sarah seems to be working for the illegal organization that we've been trying to shut down. She put a tapper inside your car, that's where she heard everything from."

"What? but how?"

"She had put it there long ago. At first she just put it there because she hated angie for getting everything she couldn't. She was trying to find a way to hurt her, and when she's out from the navy, that organization take her in. And after she heard Angie telling you about the mission, she started planning this whole thing."

"She's a psycho. She should be in jail. When will the court be held?"

"Tomorrow, we have enough evidence to sentence here lifetime prison or even worst dead sentence."

"Good, she deserved it. Thank you, mav. I'll go and see angie now. I'll call you again when she woke up."

I hung up and walked to the ICU. The nurse at the ICU told me to wear scrub gown and a scrub cap to avoid contaminating the patient. I really hate being in the hospital, it brings me the bad memories of the day my mom died.

After i'm all set, i walked to her and i looked at her pale and weak face. She looks so peaceful. I sat down on the chair next to her bed and i held her hand.

"Hey, Angie. I don't know if you can hear me or not. But i'm here for you, for when you wake up and open your beautiful eyes. I'm here to hold you and to be with you for the rest of your life. Everything in my life is better with you, everything has been better since you. You and me, it's a forever kinda thing. So don't you dare not wake up." I said to her while kissing her hand.

I laid my head on the bed while still holding her hand. I haven't slept since mav called me that she went missing. And the sleepiness started coming. I drifted off to sleep not long after i laid my head down.

Summer's PoV

I woke up with a very bad headache. I opened my eyes slowly because the light is somehow blinding. As i finally manage to open my eyes properly, i can see that rooster is here sleeping while holding my hand. I moved gently trying not to wake him up.

I looked at him for a short while, this guy right here will be the death of me. He makes me happy in a way no one else can.

I stroke his hair gently while whispering, "thank your for not giving up on me."

I laid back, looking at the ceiling trying to think of something that can make me forget about that traumatic night. I touched the wound on my stomach. They covered it with bandage. I guess the sedation almost completely wear off because i can feel the pain coming.

A nurse came in to check up on me.
"Oh you're awake. That's good. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"A little headache, and the wound hurts. Other than that, i'm perfectly fine." i smiled at her.

"Great. I'm gonna check your vitals, is that okay?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"He hasn't left your side. Not even for the bathroom. You got yourself a keeper." She said while checking breath sound.

"Yes, he is definitely a keeper. I'm beyond lucky to have him." I said while looking at my fiancé.

"Your vitals look great, you can talk properly, everything seems to be great. Here's a pain killer to reduce the pain from your wound. And since you're okay, we will move you from the ICU to a normal room so that your friends can visit. You can call me if you need anything, just press the button here." She said while pointing at the red button next to me.

"Thank you very much."

"We are preparing a room for you, and we will be ready to move you in a couple hours."

"Okay, thank you once again."

She nodded and went out.

I can feel a slight move coming from rooster. Someone finally woke up.

"Why didn't you wake me up, babe? I guess i fell asleep. Are you okay? any pain?"

"Hey babe. I don't wanna wake you up, i think that you really needed that sleep. And i'm okay, the nurse just came in and check on me. I only got a slight headache and pain from the wound, but she already gave me painkiller. So everything's great."

"Glad to hear that. Did the nurse said when you'll be moved?"

"In a couple hours. Have you eaten anything?"

"I don't remember. But i'm not that hungry. I'll just wait until they move you and then i'll grab some food from the vending machine."

"Seriously? vending machine? You should at least go to the cafetaria."

"I don't want to leave you for too long. What about i wait until phoenix came and then i'll go to the cafetaria?"

"Okay fine. Oh i wanted to ask you about the girl who shot me. That's sarah, right?" I asked him.

"Yes. She's in court. Mav said that they have enough evidence for a lifetime sentence or dead sentence. You shouldn't think about it, everything's been taken care of."

"Roos, why don't you lay here with me. I miss the feeling of being close to you."

He climb up to bed as i scoot over. He put an arm behind me and the other arm holding my hand.

"I miss this so much. I can't wait until the time you can finally come home and we can go for unlimited cuddles and kisses." He said while staring at me.

"Me too. I hope i don't have to stay here for long. I know how much you hate hospitals. Thank you for not leaving me even tho you hate being here so much."

"Anything for my princess."

We stayed like that for a while until someone came and said that they're ready to move me.

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