Bad weather

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Kaminari never liked dreary weather much. There were people in his life that would spout that it was calm or made them feel powerful when electricity was in the air. He always felt that energy going on around him, his quirk was disasterous and constant.
He hadn't seen a hint of blue in the sky all day. Just gray, gray, gray. There was rain heavy in the air but not heavy enough to fall. It felt like everything was stuck in a depressing, desaturated limbo.
Kaminari was heading out to get a snack from the convienence store out of boredom. He stepped out of the dorm building with an umbrella he dug out of his closet and can remember using in Junior High. He turns from closing the clunky door to find Midoriya sitting quietly on the steps. He pauses, knowing Midoriya must have heard the door, waiting for some sort of reaction.

"Where are you going?" the boys voice is quiet and Kaminari shuffles forwards to lean over to look at his face.

"I don't know... convenience store?" he mumbles and sits down next to his classmate, umbrella resting diagonally down the lower stairs in between his knees. Midoriya nods slightly, staring blankly up at the sky. He's barefoot with blue jeans and a dark grey hoodie over a Kamui Woods T-Shirt.

"Man! This weather's got even you down in the dumps, huh?" Kaminari exclaims trying to lighten the mood. His upbeat tone falls onto the concrete stairs and cracks, revealing its' own hollowness.
Midoriya gives a passive humming noise and they fall into silence. The gray clouds over head reflect in a warped mirror image over Midoriyas' wide round eyes.

"Hey Mido?" his voice is softer this time,


"Do you like weather like this?" maybe it's genuine curiosity that pulls the question out of him, maybe it's to fill the heavy air with something other than obscenely patient rain. Either way. The boy looks over at him.

He looks so human it catches Kaminari by suprise. With chapped lips and watery eyes, there are acne scars and oddly placed freckles, little healed up scratches on his face Kaminari never noticed before. His hair is tangled and falls into his face and sticks up with cowlicks in a far from handsome way. But he seems, almost content with it. Maybe more resigned actually, he had fully resigned to being imperfect and lesser. It's incredible.

Midoriya turns his green, thinly lashed eyes back to the overcast sky in a moment, "I...--" he pauses and works the inside of his bottom lip with his teeth "--I feel calm... With weather like this," Kaminari frowns a bit but the green haired boy doesn't seem done.

"I- I guess... I guess I just feel like myself... Just... me," his sentence is winding and a bit broken up by pauses. Kaminari is caught up in how his brows lower and he stares upsettedly down at his hands where they're latched in front of his folded up knees.

"Is that...a good thing?" the air is heavy, and quiet until rain starts, gently pattering against the ground and the first step up to the dorms entrance. Kaminari pulls the tip of his umbrella out of the wetness laying it next to him on the top step instead.

"Kaminari?" there's no honorific. Not even '𝘬𝘶𝘯', Kaminari looks over attentively. Midoriya sighs, and it's not particularly heavy or emotion filled but something pricks hot tears in the corners of Kaminaris' eyes.

"I'm tired..." The boy whispers and his quiet voice is lost in the gentle rain soon after Kaminari hears him.

That doesn't stop the blonde from moving down a step to wrap an arm around the boy's shoulder and pull him into his side. He swallows around the lump in his throat.

"Yeah... me too."

Word count: 644

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