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What to know before reading: These Imagines will contain mature content, so please be cautious. All characters are depicted at 21+. Point of view will be in third person unless stated otherwise. Enjoy reading!

Imagine: Fluffy Xigbar love for once lol

Tags/Notes: Fluff, to the best of my lewd abilities lmao. That's it really. Oh, and this is gonna be based off of Kingdom Hearts 2. Also: for those who might be rereading this, I rewrote it lol or I guess, to more accurately word it, I added more to it. Consider this the final draft, kinda. Enjoy!



"S-Saix please!"

"It's true dude! I found out by reading her diary- Ow!"

"Why are you going around into girl's rooms?!"

"_____, I'm afraid it has already been scheduled, and the other members are already occupied with their own missions as is. It's an easy mission for someone of your capabilities, it won't take you long to complete."

"There's no way that's true."

Luxord chuckles as Demyx starts to hide behind his sitar to defend himself from Larxene's blows to his head. "What an interesting turn of events. Looks like you've managed to swoon the heart of the most innocent member. Try to take care of her properly, will you?" Luxord teases, Demyx popping up behind Luxord as he uses him as a shield from Larxene. "And try not to forget the after care-!" He lets out a sharp squeak as he quickly dodges Larxene's throwing knife as Xigbar shakes his head.

"Whoa, I'm serious guys. That has to be impossible." Larxene growls, frustrated that Demyx dodged her attacks before folding her arms and glaring at Xigbar. "Whether or not it's true, you better treat her nicely about it. She's a sweet girl and does not need her heart broken." Xigbar sighs, turning to walk towards _____.

_____ squeaks in defeat as she shrinks to the ground onto her knees, watching Saix fade into the portal as he continues his own duties. She glances over to the group huddled in the corner, witnessing Demyx dodge one of Larxene's throwing knives, for some reason. She tries to slow her breathing as panic starts to set in.

There had been reports of large numbers of rogue nobodies that roamed the areas around Memory Skyscraper, and though their numbers weren't actually a problem, it was a nuisance for those who passed by to leave the world. It would have been an easy mission, but the last several attempts to get rid of this horde were unsuccessful. This mob seemed to have a greater sense of intelligence than other nobodies, otherwise the past groups would have been able to get them all... _____ thinks to herself before shaking her head. But that doesn't help my situation! She whines before hugging herself, a flash of an old memory appearing in mind.

_____ was only a few days into joining Organization XIII. While she didn't have a handle on how things worked in the organization just yet, Xemnas had personally experienced her fighting capabilities, and deemed her a secret weapon. Originally, she was going to be held at Castle Oblivion until they found a need to bring her out, but Siax advised against it, since he believed it could weaken her abilities by not putting them to use. So there she was, walking just slightly behind the group, nervously looking around. Demyx, Xaldin, Lexaeus and Xigbar had been assigned to this mission with her, where they traversed the Pride Lands for remnants of Scar's soul, in hopes to use what darkness that could be left.

Xaldin stiffened as they took another step, stretching his arm out to halt the team's steps before looking around and listening. This mission alone was easy to complete with just one member, but there had also been rumors that the heart that was used to form the Ground Shaker was still wandering around, somehow appearing in several physical illusions and creating havoc before vanishing without a trace. It was probably easier to leave it alone, but its heart was a particularly strong one...

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