Chapter 4.1 - Almost got caught. thankfully i didn't.

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[Well,i guess Ranboo and Ghostbur stayed up late at night now Ranboo woked up at 9am. Sge was supposed to wake up at 6 or 7am]
As Ranboo was preparing FAST. The prince was tge first one to enter the kitchen.

-"Well finally you're awake." The prince said, clearly annoyed.
-"My apologies for not waking up early" Ranboo said,The prince rolled his eyes.
-"Ugh,just make me lava eggs quick. I don't have all time here."The prince demanded.
-"uh..i apologize for asking but what are 'Lava eggs'?"Ranboo asked
-"just-" The prince took a deep breath " its sunny side up. I just say 'Lava eggs' because sunny side is too long. Now go make them." The prince said
-"Alright, your highne-" Ranboo was cut off
-"OH! AND DO NOT ADD CINNAMON. I'm allergic to that shit." The Prince added
-"Alright,yo-" Ranboo was cut off once again
-"and don't overcook or undercook it. I know the difference, don't test me."The Prince added again
-"Alright your highness.."Ranboo was relieve that she wasn't cut off again. Minutes past and she was finished,she served it to the prince and after he ate,he left. Ranboo was cleaning the plates now as she never noticed that Ghostbur woked up a long time ago. Or just a few minutes after the prince said to make the Lava eggs

{Prince Tommy's POV}

As his brother left the room, leaving the door open. Tommy didn't really mind it since he was going to get up soon but he didn't really feel like it. As two minutes pass by, Tommy thought....who is this 'Clara' person that Wilbur was talking about... Wilbur seemed worried. Just by thinking the name makes him feel like he was supposed to know that 'Clara' person.

As every morning,he opened his journal as the peasants call it 'diary'
He usually writes stuff interesting in there or maybe sometimes even the whole day.
He then gets his pen to write until he saw the previous things he wrote there....

<[Journal Entry #169]>
11/9/20##   9:30am
Today,i just stole Exiled Horror cause I didn't feel like asking Karl about it! Tho that newbie fucking caught me.

Prime i couldn't even fucking sleep because of all the goddamn screaming! I swear to fucking god,if i hear another scream,im gonna lose my shit.

(PS: Ask Clara about what happened last night.)

(Last night...?) Tommy thought as he doesn't remember someone exactly with the name 'Clara',all he saw was the newbies! He turns all the pages to read every single one to see if this 'Clara' person actually existed.
Every single page. Has the name 'Clara'.
If he wrote down Clara,the why doesn't he remembers her!

Now he knows why his brother was so worried. Apparently wilbur says no one remembers her except for him and Karl!
Even if he asks the newbies,he doubts that they know her or even remembers her.
His mind was full of those thoughts while eating his Lava eggs,they were surprisingly good but he won't compliment the newbie since he's still suspects her.

After that,he left the kitchen.


Well, he's just wondering why she didn't just poisoned the prince at the same time,it would be a completely dumb idea to do since we're the last witness,and Ranboo is the replaced chef,but right now he doesn't worry about that because....WHERE THE HELL IS HIS HEADBAND? He wanted to ask Ranboo so he goes up to her and..

-"Ranboo,i need to ask you something"


-"Ranboo,i need to ask you something"Ghostbur said as if she was onto her, until she realized...she didn't poison the prince! She completely forgot her cover up on the real reason why she is here!
-"Ranboo......what is the real reason why you are here?" Ghostbur asked,oh she knew it! She knew he was gonna ask her about that!
-"well...i- um...well you see(DHARMA-) um.."Ranboo couldn't get her words right.
-"well?"Ghostbur asked again
-"i-i"lets be clear,Ranboo hates stuttering. It reminds her about what happened in the past.

Ranboo's head felt like it was gonna burst.
Thoughts were spiralling on her head like crazy.
Her hearing became to ring in her head until....
-"RANBOO!"Ghostbur screamed at Ranboo, seemingly trying to get her attention
-"OH! yeah!- right- um-"Ranboo snapped out of her thoughts
-"what happened? i only ask yo-"Ghostbur was cut off
-"i me- yeah its its nothing, don't worry about it!"Ranboo said
-".. alright..?"Ghostbur said in a confused tone
-"i was just asking if you saw... you know what?nevermind!, I'll just see you later" Ghostbur said as he left the room to go to the garden

{Ghostbur's POV}

That...was weird. Not really the first time Ranboo has acted like that..

As Ghostbur was walking to the hallways,he suddenly got engaged(?) by a screaming Sapnap.

-''OH!'' Ghostbur shouted while he dodged Sapnap and sees Sapnap ran to the kitchen
-''.....oh.'' Was the only thing that ghostbur can say after seeing that
-"hey. I'm gonna need to ask you something... Copycat."Someone from behind him said (Now wait a minute....that voice.) Ghostbur thought as he looked at his back to see....Prince Wilbur..?
-"Surprised to see me? Now I'm gonna need you to explain what happened to Clara."Prince Wilbur said
(Oh right. That time. Yesterday)
-"W-what do you mean your majesty? Who i-"Before Ghostbur could speak again,The prince interrupted
-"TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO CLARA."Prince Wilbur shouted
-"I-i don't know!"Ghostbur shouted
-"Wil. Don't force him if doesn't really know."Prince Theseus said as he just randomly appeared at Wilbur's back..? "Besides,your so-called copycat of yours probably doesn't actually know. Now come on and lets go. I still need to get my book." Prince Theseus said as he saw Wilbur leave and goes to Ghostbur.
-"your lucky i stopped him. You would probably be kicked out if i didn't."Prince Theseus whispered to Ghostbur "ALRIGHT! Time to go to karl!"The prince shouted and soon left.....
-".......well, that was close"Ghostbur said in relief "..where was i supposed to go again?" Ghostbur wondered and just walked to the kitchen again.

(-"..tsk....he forgets stuff. I guess i should still watch,lets see if this isn't another lost cause")
Ghostbur heard something and turned but no one was there. He kept his guard up incase something happened.
He is now facing the kitchen door and sees Sapnap walked out of there pissed. Wonder what happened.

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