This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent

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Salvatore Boarding School

Aaron woke up this morning, thinking that it was just going to be a normal October day. Wrong. He woke up to snow outside his window. Currently, he was outside, watching students throw snowballs at each other, building snowmen and a lot of other things. He felt someone walk up next to him and saw Hope looking at the scene confused and shocked. "What the hell?" Hope asked. "I know. It's hell on Earth." Aaron said annoyed. They both then saw Kaleb. "Kaleb." Hope called out. Kaleb walked over to them with a big grin. "What the hell is going on?" Hope asked. "Don't be a Scrooge, Hope. It's Christmas." Kaleb said. "Oh, god." Aaron exclaimed. "Looks like someone needs some Christmas cheer." Kaleb said. Kaleb put a Santa hat on Aaron's head and Aaron glared at Kaleb.

"No. It's October." Hope said. "Christmas is a state of mind. It's a feeling in the air. Now you feeling it?" Kaleb asked, putting his arms around Hope and Aaron's shoulders. "Definitely feeling something." Hope said. Kaleb then walked away and Hope looked over at Aaron who was held an annoyed face whilst still wearing the Santa hat. "Yeah. Definitely feeling something." Hope said, trying to hold on her laughs. Aaron took the hat off his head quickly and looked at Hope. "Not a word." Aaron said. "I wasn't gonna say anything." Hope said. One of the younger students then walked over to Aaron and handed him a little present. Aaron looked at it confused before smiling. He placed the Santa hat on the student's head and watched him run off.

Aaron then looked at Hope and saw her smiling. "What?" Aaron asked. "Nothing." Hope said. "I'm not a complete monster." Aaron said. "No! Really? Who would have thought." Hope said sarcastically. Aaron laughed sarcastically before opening the present. He pulled out a keychain of Mystic Falls. "Really? A keychain of a clock tower I basically see all the time?" Aaron asked. "It's the thought that counts." Hope said. Aaron shrugged. "Fair point." Aaron said before starting to walk away. "Where are you going?" Hope asked. "Inside. I'm freezing to death out here." Aaron said. Hope quickly followed after him. When they walked inside, it was even worse than it was outside. Christmas trees were up, people were wearing Christmas sweaters, drinking cocoa and wrapping gifts.

"Can this get any worse?" Aaron asked. The two then heard laughter and saw Alaric and Dorian walking down the hallway, wearing sweaters and drinking cocoa. "Dr. Saltzman. We need your help." Hope said. Alaric and Dorian stopped in front of the two tribrids. "What are you wearing?" Aaron asked. "Dorian had an extra one. Lucky me, right?" Alaric said. Hope just smiled. "Sure." Aaron said, dragging out the last letter. "No, Ric. We're the lucky ones. Because Dr. Saltzman is gonna spend Christmas with us." Dorian announced. Students started cheering and clapping. Hope and Aaron just started backing away. "I know one person who won't be affected by whatever's going on." Aaron said. "Lizzie." Hope said. Aaron nodded. The two then started making their way towards the Saltzman girl's room.

Later ~ Lizzie's room

Lizzie was asleep in her bed, when Hope and Aaron burst into the room. "Lizzie." Hope said. "We get it, Hope. You're back. Now disappear again." Lizzie said. "Ah. You're still a bitch. Thank God." Hope said. "Would you expect anything else?" Aaron asked. "Rude." Lizzie said. "But true." Aaron said. Lizzie sat up in bed and Hope sat down next to her and hugged her. "What is happening?" Lizzie asked. Aaron shrugged. "We don't know." Aaron said. Hope pulled away from Lizzie. "It's like everyone in the school is happy except for us. Too happy. Like scary happy. Merry, even. They all think that it's Christmas. And the snow probably doesn't help." Hope said. Lizzie looked out the window behind her. "It's snowing? How?" Lizzie asked. "Uh, another monster, we're guessing." Aaron said.

"This is terrible news. It's freaking fall. Not winter. What am I gonna wear?" Lizzie asked, starting to look through her closet. "Something to travel in?" Hope asked. Lizzie looked at her, still shocked from the news of snow. "I'm gonna need you to hit the road." Hope said. "You want me to quest for Frodo Baggins, don't you? I thought that the monsters weren't after him now." Lizzie said. "We don't know what they want, or even who they're working for anymore. We just need Landon to be safe." Hope said. Lizzie sighed. "Fine. A little locator spell and then off to Mordor I go." Lizzie said, sitting back on her bed. "I'll go with you." Aaron said. Hope and Lizzie looked at him. "I've been needing to get out." Aaron said.

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