Chapter 1

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Everyone would go insane in isolation. Everyone would want to get revenge for the torture they were put through. For the wars they have fought in and the people they love and protect.

But the thing is... Dream wanted a family, a home, land of care and peace. And what did he get in return? Being stuck in an obsidian prison for months, being tortured by Quackity everyday and leaving to bleed each time he left.
All the Smp viewed him as a villain except some people like Techno and Wilbur. They knew what Dream's actions were trying to make. Dream wanted peace, but Lmanburg was stopping it hence he blew it up but in most of the people's eyes they viewed him as a villain because of it, just because they didn't see things like he did.

But since the SMP wanted a villain that badly! Well...they got exactly that..
"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU ESCAPE!?" Tommy yelled out as some of the other members also yelled things similar as they all stood infront of Dream who had escaped the prison.

"It was easy Tommy.." Dream said as he looked at the crowd of people before continuing "all it took were a few favors and manipulation" He said as he chuckled right after.

"I saved Techno from the butcher army" Dream said in a serious tone as Techno walked up to Dream on his right.
"I revived Wilbur from the dead!" He said as Wilbur also walked up to him alongside with Techno.
"Hell! I even revived an old pal of ours!" Dream said in a hysterical tone. All the members except Dream, Wilbur and Techno looked surprised as someone who used to be a ghost...was now alive...and that was none other than Schlatt. Schlatt walked up to Dream aswell but he was on Dream's left. The members did not seem happy about this.

"W-why are you doing this!?" Tubbo stuttered out.
"W-why?" Dream said as he then laughed like a maniac.
"What did you except? After all im the supposedly 'villain' of the Smp, so what'd you expect kid?" Dream replied.

"Hey Dream have you told them about-" Wilbur started before Techno interrupted him by saying "shush".
Dream smiled at all three of them after Wilbur said that.

Dream looked at the crowd with a grin on his face before snapping his fingers which in turn, caused Ranboo's eyes to turn a glowing purple.
Ranboo then also walked up to Dream and standed alongside with Schlatt.
"R-ranboo!?" Tubbo yelled out.
"What's wrong Mr.President?" Wilbur said as a large grin grew on his face.

"This isn't Ranboo kid, atleast not the Ranboo you know.." Dream said before continuing..
"Just like all have a time have 24 hours to get your shit together and either fight or run. Though I recommend run as this server..will blow up with or without a fight.. you're just wasting time if you choose to go on, the timer has started ticking" Dream finished as he smiled sinisterly at the crowd. The group of 5 then walked away as the rest of the members of the SMP ran to get their stuff and run away or fight.

//5 hour's later//

"Don't you understand!?" Dream snapped at the four infront of him. He sighed and looked at them, his eyes looking dull..
"I need this Smp gone! Wilbur you should understand, you felt the same way about Lmanburg!
And Techno, you feel the same way about government!" Dream said looking mad.

"Dream the server has helped many people.." Ranboo said trying to reason with him.
"No." Dream said before grabbing a backpack.
"I'll be back in around 10 hours... I'll go lay out the TNT. Alone" he said. "You guy's heal your armor, weapon's and make potions. Start a plan when I get back, we have 3 hours to collect everything and 2 hours to go back to the Smp" Dream stated before leaving the other 4.
Dream made it to the Smp on a horse in an hour or so.
Dream dug underground a bit.
He had 20 stack's of TNT. It may have not been enough but Dream was planning on farming for more materials.

After hours of digging to make sure he wasn't seen, Dream had placed all the 20 stack's of TNT.
It had filled barely anything but it wasn't a concern for Dream as the rest would be placed later when he got enough TNT.

//Time skip to 5 hour's before the fall of the SMP//

"You guy's ready?" Dream said as he was on top of a hill with the other 4. Memories of the beginning of the SMP came flooding like waves to Dream.

The other 4 followed Dream as he went to the Smp.
Standing there waiting to see if they decided to run or have some fun and fight.

Most of the Smp members came out of the community house.
'They decided to fight instead of fun' Dream thought to himself as he stared at the crowd.

"You all seem to have chose the wrong decision, yet its pleasing to me as this will be more fun.." Dream said before signaling the other four to take their weapons out in which they did.
And just like that they started to had been over an hour that they've been fighting and Dream was getting bored so he carefully slipped out of the fight and ran towards where the button for the TNT was located.

Dream eventually reached the button and took his mask of revealing what used to be bright green eyes like the plains of the land now dark and dead inside.

This reminded Dream so much of Lmanburg but he didn't care.

Dream paced around the room where the button was, thinking, was he really gonna do this? Would he repeat the cycle yet again?

After some time Dream decided to message Wilbur.

You whisper to Wilbur: get out of the Smp with the rest. I don't care what happens just run out of the Smp.

Wilbur whisper's to you: alright but what about you?

You whisper to Wilbur: I'll be fine just get far enough and send me a message once it's done..

Wilbur whisper's to you: alright then.

After 2 hours Wilbur messaged Dream.

Wilbur whisper's to you: we're pretty far away now..

You whisper to Wilbur:Keep fighting them but let them have a chance to run. Tell them their time is running out.

And just like Dream said Wilbur warned everyone that their time was running out. At which none of the members seemed to care as they just kept on fighting and fighting. No one, not even Wilbur at this point listened to the warning.

Dream stared at the button, tears rolling down his eyes.
The Smp wanted a villain and they got it but now it was time for this pain and torture to end.

Hence Dream said "Just like Eret and Wilbur said...It was never meant to be.." and just like that a smile grew on Dream's face before pushing the button.
"What was that!?" Quackity yelled out before a moment of silence..then the members realized what was happening. They couldn't run or do anything as the explosion from the TNT had already got to them..

Since they wanted a villain so badly.
They got the villain they wanted.

That's the end-
And im sorry but my brain keeps airdropping me ideas ok?

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