Chapter 2

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Some members woke up a while later after the impact.
They saw the world around them and saw everything in shambles.
Not a single building left....

Some went to check the pulse of others to see if they were ok. Which they all were but they were all very injured.

"H-how are we not dead?" Sapnap asked as he got up completely covered in blood.
"I don't know but it seems everyone's alive.." Puffy replied.

"Wait.." Techno whispered to Wilbur, Schlatt and Ranboo who were right besides him. He had realized something that the rest of the members didn't think of.
"What?" Wilbur responded in pain.
"What happened to....Dream?" Techno asked.

Wilbur stayed silent getting on Techno's nerves a bit for not replying.
"Wilbur...where did he plan on igniting the tnt?" Techno asked as Wilbur started to check the chat only for a few seconds later to stand frozen in shock.
"Wilbur!?" Techno yelled.

"H-he didn't say...." Wilbur finally responded.
Techno didn't think twice after hearing Wilbur and went to search for Dream in what used to be the SMP. It just looks like a Warfield at this point, and it minus well was.

Techno kept ignoring the yells from Wilbur and Ranboo and continued searching.
"DREAM!" Techno yelled in hope's Dream was still out there. Alive that is.

He eventually stopped at Lmanburg, or, atleast what used to be a few part's of Lmanburg since now there was nothing left.
Techno just kept staring for a single sign of Dream.

Ranboo, Wilbur and Schlatt had eventually catched up but Techno didn't pay attention to what they were yelling.

'wait....' Techno thought as he saw a green, a lime green that seemed way too out of place between all the dead grass and burning vines.

As he got closer he stepped on a mask, a shattered mask.
Techno picked the mask up only for it to disappear as a message in the chat popped up.
Dream has died from

'died from what..?' Techno thought as tears rolled down his eyes, obviously it was an explosion but then why didn't the chat say it? And if Dream really died, wouldn't the whole server disappeared? By now they should be dead but they aren't...but why?

Some part's are still missing from the puzzle.
Some little, some bigger.
But those pieces are in plain sight but are you just too blind to see it?
Or do you need to look closer into the future?

Sorry for not uploading-
Sorry again for the short chapter but I have way to much stuff to do rn-
But hope you have a wonderful day night/afternoon/little raindrops!
(Little reminder: Your loved!❤️)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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