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Ah yes, Schaken Academy. As I stood at the foot of its hallowed halls, the heavenly gates gesturing me to enter, I couldn't help but shake a little. All my life had lead up to this point. Of course, the maze was simply mere child's play. Even an infant would've been able to detect the presence of poison, and with the help of my dear familiar I made it through within seconds.
"Prince Frederic! It seems you are the first to arrive!"
I sighed, a smile growing on my face, relieved everything went according to plan. Prince. That title wasn't mine yet, but being awarded that by piece dealer was quite inevitable. After all, I had been rewarded a trusty sword of light and power, which is was my most proficient weapon. Looking at its intricate design and ornate steel, I responded to my companion:
"So it would seem. I suppose we shall wait for the others in the main courtyard, yes?"
Without hesitation, Noelle conceded.  She ushered me to the guards, wings flapping erratically as she passed them my luggage. The faceless knights have me an expressionless look, emotionless black eyes shrouded by their shiny white armour. As I passed by them I couldn't help but be unsettled by their appearance. But no matter. I had to forget that.

I had to forget what I saw.

I headed to the main hall, teachers greeting me on my journey as I passed them by. The school was just as I remembered it when I visited my mother- whimsical and unorthodox in every way. Passing through endless hallways and avoiding doors that lead to nowhere had become common place for me, hence why the school didn't bother to open up a path like it would do for the other students. I suppose that's yet another benefit of being the son of the headmistress after all.

I finally made it to the outer courtyard, it's luscious blue field looking gorgeous reflected by the rays of light in the sun. The box of pieces lay in a table in the center, and opposite it the piece dealer. His old and shrivelled hands stroked the gentle antique wood thoughtfully, lost in a trance. However, his blue eyes almost immediately focused on me when I entered.

"Ah, Frederic." He gave me a warm smile, pushing back his spectacles. "Just as I suspected."

I stiffened, alert. Of course. The piece dealer was the strongest sorcerer in the lands after all, only second to my mother. His intelligence and wit grew largely unmatched, so his exact calculation of my entrance didn't surprise me at all. Still, I knew I had to make a good impression, so I took his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you sir. I've heard quite a bit about you."

"I'm sure you have, young boy. I'm sure you have."

He took my hand back, shaking it as he looked at me quizzically, almost curious as he studied me. Eventually, he let go, sitting back down in his chair and returning to his position of cradling the box of pieces.

"Go now." He commanded, pointing to the bleachers in front of him, their golden arches sparkling.
"And fret not, the others will be here soon."

I nodded dutifully. With Noelle on my shoulder, I headed to the bleachers, sitting there, still alert. Until the dealer's eyes left me, I couldn't falter even for a second.


Hours later, I finally relaxed my tense shoulders.

People were starting to arrive.

The first was Anthony. As he waved at the dealer sloppily he sat beside me, sighing with relief after his trial. I couldn't help but envy his laid back attitude. Unlike me, Anthony had been naturally talented from the start. He was never too concerned about what others thought, only really looking out for what he could do. I suppose then it would be a surprise to many that we were close friends but given the...abnormal aspects of how we met our connection was kind of inevitable. Still though, it would often frustrate me that he would risk his future in the way that he does.

"With attitude like that he could easily give you a Pawn rank." I grumbled, trying to hide my relief at his presence. He grinned, fiddling with his curly hair as a squirrel beside him chirped.

"Hardly. And besides, I could always just as easily make up for it in the year." He looked at me, brown eyes energetic and happy to see me. "I'm assuming your test was a walk in the park?"

I nodded, giving Noelle a scratch under the neck as a form of endearment. "This is Noelle." The familiar gave him a nod of acknowledgment, still currently occupied with receiving my affection.
"A dove? Cool." He held out his hand for his creature, squirrel hopping into it as he help up his palm to show me his familiar.
"This is Jimmy. His full name's James but he likes a good nickname. He's a little bit of an ass but I think we get along." In response to his comment Jimmy turned back, yelling at him with his high pitched tone. Anthony chuckled, clearly amused by what he was saying. A part of me couldn't help but feel curious, but I knew the rules. Familiar's could only communicate with their masters, and asking about their conversations is forbidden. That didn't mean that Anthony couldn't just volunteer the information to me, but that seemed rather unlikely at the moment. And I wasn't going to risk this position just because of something so trivial.

After an hour or two, students started to arrive in droves. Several looked exhausted, some even heavily injured, but all followed instructions and sat at the bleachers. I smiled and waved at all of them, trying to maintain diplomacy and hide my concern for the injured. Manners were a deep concern of the Schaken after all. I tried my best to ignore their cries of pain and attempts to try and stop bleeding. I knew that helping was forbidden. After all, students had to reach their greatest potential all on their own. That's what being a hero is all about!

Seeing this, Noelle ruffled her feathers, looking off to the side.
"Fucking insane."
I looked at her quizzically. "What?"
"....Nothing, my prince."
I nodded, taking her word for it. Perhaps I was just hearing things.

Eventually, people stopped arriving, and I started to realise how few people made it. From what my mother had announced, 500 invitations were distributed to those they found capable. However, only 233 were here, less then half of the applicants required.

The gate suddenly opened. Make that 234.

As the atmosphere fell into silence, all eyes watched a girl walk through the halls. Even though she was 5 minutes away from being late, she strutted across with total confidence, brown skin free from any bruises or scars. Her curly dark hair was tied into a bun, locks bouncing with every step she took. In her hands she clenched two dark purple objects, glowing in her grip and immediately catching my eye. But what was most mesmerising about her were her eyes. Brown, bottomless, determined eyes. Eyes that told me with complete certainty that she knew what she was doing, and that she wanted this school at her feet. As she entered the courtyard and headed to the bleachers, I noticed the crow that flew behind her, following her as she sat in the far corner. As the moment faded and the dealer got up from his seat, I realised that I may have been staring for too long (which is considered rude) and stiffened again, ready for today's assembly.

Because my name is Frederic Van Halen, son of Elise Van Halen. And I was going to do everything in my power to become King.

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