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I didn't think I was going to win. But a draw? that was the best case scenario.

Lets be honest. As tough as I pretended to be, Frederic Van Halen wasn't as confident as he was for no reason. Golden boy was definitely strong. There was no way I could beat him. But I could endure him just long enough to be able to make him lose. And with that I've learned lots about the type of fighter he is. He likes to corner his opponents. He's offensive, yet withdrawn. He keeps his cool to put you on guard. He likes to corner his opponents. And when he's the one being cornered and outsmarted, he lets it all out in a streak of rage.

All of this was incredible. I'd humbled my opponent, successfully manipulated him, dominated him in the ring. If it was this simple to survive his fight, then it's clear this war is one I'll inevitably win.

And yet...
I felt bad for him.

As the bell rung and I morphed out of my snake form, I took a good look at his face. I expected him to throw a tantrum, to become more furious. But instead he made an expression I'd never expect from someome like him.

He looked terrified.

"Guess you're not so world-class after all." I smugly declared, trying to get a response out of him. A clap-back, a defense, anything, but he remained nonverbal.

Without a word, he turned and left the arena, not even bothering to acknowledge his familiar that followed him closely behind him. I couldn't help but look at him curiously as I left, Zaid flying up to join my side and following my gaze.

"You sure showed him whose boss." He remarked, clearly excited at our team work. Seeing that Ezra was fast approaching from the crowd to congratulate me I nodded thoughtfully, deciding that maybe the fear in his face was my wishful thinking.

"Yeah." I responded. "I did."


"Wow Anya!" My roommate remarked, taking a long sip of their smoothie. The two of us decided to get some celebratory drinks to mark off our first official day at Schaken Academy at the school's cafe. Originally when they brought up their proposition I concerned turning it down, but when they mentioned that the location was off campus I couldn't help but be intrigued by that. The fact that we couldn't ever leave the school grounds just seemed so...odd to me.
"Man, I know you're more then capable, but you were really impressive out there." They grinned, red hair glowing as natural light shone through the cafe windows. I nodded, stirring my coffee.
"It was just a matter of thinking clearly. I was impressed by your match too."
"Thank you. I hope Imai noticed it." They giggled, cheeks turning pink as they mentioned her name.
"I made sure I came off as extra cool just so she could fall for me."
"I'm pretty sure she left after being so exhausted from the match."
"Really?" They pouted, looking disappointed.
"That's a shame."
"Yeah." Zaid had returned to my shoulder and upon seeing my questioning face shook his head.
"He doesn't seem to be anywhere here. I overheard some girls talking about how he made plans to meet his friend here today."
Okay. now this is really strange. Was he really that hesitant about his loss that he'd cancel his plans? I thought image was everything to this guy. Why would he intentionally disappear like this???
"You wondering about that mystery man? I knew you liked him."
My cheeks turned red with embarrassment at Ezra's comment. "Absolutely not! That guy is the furthest thing from romantic. Just thinking about that makes me want to vomit. I'm just..." I trailed off, attempting to come up with an excuse.
"I want to know where he is. For the sake of....seeing  what the dejected look on his face."
Ezra, clearly not buying it, grinned coyly.
"Sure. I heard a rumour that he was in the Principal's office."
The Principal?
"Turns out the nepotism baby is getting a scolding." They chuckled, but all I felt was a sudden on surge of concern. In any other circumstance I'd be laughing alongside them, but that look on his face was just....indescribable. A Severor shouldn't have a face like that.
I got up suddenly, causing Ezra to stare at me in surprise. Realising I hadn't offered an explanation, I mumbled some excuse about needing to study for class tomorrow before briskly heading out the cafe. I didn't know what I was doing.

Why was I so concerned?

"Where are we going?" Zaid questioned, flying by me as my walk turned into a run.

"To the principal's office." I responded bluntly, my walk turning into a run.
"We've got a damsel in distress to save."

Whatever was going on here, it was time for me to get to the bottom of it. And in order to do that, I needed to hear it from the source himself.


I didn't know what to expect as I walked up the stairs of the central building. I'd never actually been inside of here before, my experiences with it primarily relegated to watching from afar. From my limited knowledge, I was made aware that this was the place that served as essentially a dormitory for faculty. Of course, that included my number one enemy in this place.

The principal.

"The principal's office is marked by a golden arch on the top floor of the building." Zaid instructed me, perched closely on my shoulder. I nodded, for once finding some usefulness in Zaid's advice. I was slowly getting used to his presence. I thought my time at Schaken would be unbearable, but I was already beginning to feel at ease around others.

That shouldn't be happening with Severors. Something is wrong here.

"Well, if it isn't my star student."

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice I knew all too well. I turned around to face Mr Diaz, a huge pile of papers being carried in his arms. He gave me a toothy grin, green eyes sparking with excitement in spite of his monotonous workload, clearly enthused to see me. I clenched my fist, but wore a steely smile, trying to get this interaction over with. Typically I'd be excited to rub my recent success in his face, but right now all I could think about was Frederic.

"Mr Diaz." I said curtly, trying to end this conversation as fast as I can. "Great to see you again. Hope I impressed you."

"You did indeed. So I'm guessing you're going to plan on being a shapeshifting sorceress? Guess I'm going to be seeing you in my class quite often. Come over to my office if you ever need anything, alright?"


"Actually." I remarked, an idea beginning to evolve in my head. "I was wondering if I could have your help with...something."

"Oh?" Mr Diaz replied, looking surprised.

I smirked, giving Zaid a look of assurance as I realised the two of us were on the same place.

"I've learned how to shapeshift into animals. But what about people?"

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