The Anniversary Heartbreak

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•When Jordan forgets your guys anniversary and catching him with another girl he must figure out how to make everything up to you before it's too late.•
Jordan and I have been dating for two years now today is our anniversary I get to his house knocking on the door he opens the door seeing me. "Hey babe what are doing here?" He asked I look at him with a little suspicion. "What do you mean? I'm here to see you and you know what today is?" I looked at him he looks at me confused which broke me because I'm assuming he forgot as I was about to say something a random girl comes up behind him, She was wearing one of his jackets. "Actually never mind forget that I came" i said turning around to go to my car before I left I went back giving him back the necklace he got me last year. "It was our anniversary since you forgot" i said and then I left getting in my car and drove off.

Jordan POV:
I felt bad and guilty I felt terrible after seeing y/n leave. How could I forget our anniversary? I sighed closing the door I told the girl to leave and then went to go upstairs but my sister Olivia walks past me. "You forgot? How could you do that to y/n?" She asked. "Yes I fckd up I know that i just don't know what to do now.." i said trying my best not to tear up. I went up to my room slamming the door and sighed sitting on my bed running my fingers through my hair.

~Few Days Later~

It's been a couple days I haven't talked to Jordan after I caught him with a random girl and forgetting our anniversary. I sigh walking to my locker since it's a school day and Jordan was there I see him standing there waiting for me so I turned around to walk away I heard him call for me and I rolled my eyes and I turned around sighing as he jogs over to me. "What do want Jordan..." i said not bothering to look at him. I couldn't look at him after what happened a few days ago.

Jordan POV:
I decided that I'm going to try and talk things out with Y/N. She's been avoiding me and I don't blame her to be honest, I got to school first then her. I'm standing by her locker I know she'll be here soon and within a minute she arrives and I see her coming to her locker but once she saw me she was going to walk away. I stopped her going after her. "Y/N wait.." she turned to me not really looking at me as much I could tell she was in pain and she asked me what did I want. "I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be but I want to talk about us.." i said hoping she'd at least talk with me.

Hearing Jordan say he wants talk about us I sighed still not looking at him as much. "Jordan I... I think we should take a break.." i said looking down at my shoes then at him which he seemed hurt but he also hurt me. "Listen y/n I am truly sorry for what i did and I really want to make it up to you" he said i could tell he was fighting back tears I love him I do but the fact he forgot our anniversary and was with a random girl on our anniversary really hurt after he promised he wouldn't go back to those days hooking up with random girls. "Look I gotta go I'm sorry." I said and I immediately leave.

Jordan POV:
I try my best to hold back tears I didn't wanna cry here not in school or in front of her or anyone I know she loves me and i love her. "Please y/n let me make it up to you I really don't want us to break up.." i said she sighed shaking her head and apologies before walking away my anger built up a bit I punched a locker and I got stares but I ignore it walking away to find Olivia my twin sister to see if she can help me.

Once i get to class I sit in the back alone sad then the same girl I saw with Jordan walks in and up to me. "I hope you know Jordan is mine now he doesn't love you if he did he wouldn't of believed me when i said you cheated on him first" she said I wanted to slap her but i couldn't. She's clearly more popular than me I rolled my eyes ignoring her. "Also I believe Jordan told me your personal family life is horrible he told me how your mother was hooker and how daddy left you" i couldn't hold it so i slapped her hard tearing up. I couldn't believe Jordan told her this why would he tell her about my personal life? I immediately walked out of class just to find Jordan.

I find Olivia talking with Spencer "hey liv i really need help with getting y/n back I don't wanna lose her I don't know what to do or how to make it up to her" i said she sighed looking at Spencer to give us a moment as he steps aside. "I can try to help you but this is something you have to try and fix on your own Jordan it's yours and her relationship but i will try my best to help you" she said i nodded sighing. I was about to thank her but I see y/n walking over pissed as fuck. "Hey yn are you ok?" I asked she slaps me pretty hard I'm not sure why. "Y/n what the hell was that for?" I asked she had tears in her eyes. "Oh I know everything now the reason you was with that skank and you told her my business?!" She shouted I was confused on what she was saying. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

Now Jordan is acting like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. "Oh stop acting like you don't know you told her about my father leaving and mom..." I said but I couldn't finish my sentence because I wanted to break down crying. "She told me how she told you about cheating rumors too and you chose to believe her over me? Screw you! And just stay away from me! We're done for good.." i said leaving him in shock and I left walking out of school embarrassed. I went to my car getting in and I just broke down crying and sobbing.

Jordan POV:
I stood there shocked i couldn't believe that girl had told her everything. I turned around seeing Olivia shaking her head and left with Spencer my anger built up more so I went to find the girl in hooked up with and I assumed she was in class so I went into the class she's in and walked over not caring if anyone was looking or listening. "You're a real bitch you know that? Why would you tell y/n about what I said?!" I yelled at her but she just smirked and giggled with her friends. "You need to calm down she's not for you and now you're mine" she said i shook my head in no. "You can stick to being the slut you are!" I yelled and I walked out past the teacher who walked in class. I decided to go walk outside and seen y/n in her car crying I felt terrible I know I'm a dick. I went over tapping on her car window.

Hearing a tap on my car window I wipe my tears and turn my face to see Jordan and I rolled my eyes lowering down the window. "What the hell do you want now?!" I yelled as I let more tears fall down. He just begged and begged to talk with me and said how sorry he was. "Listen Jordan you really hurt me and I think for what you did we should break up, just leave me alone! Don't call or text me again like i said we're done..." i said putting my window back up before driving off I couldn't stop crying just thinking about how bad he hurt me.

~Couple Months~

I'm slowly healing from this break up I may have broken up with Jordan but part of me misses him and still wants him and part of me just doesn't want him nor want to forgive him. I got ready to hangout with Layla and Olivia the only two i can trust for now.

To Be Continued....

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