Chapter 1- Just a normal day

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I peered around the food hall as people sensed our arrival. I was part of the popular group at Brakendale High School and we had pretty much all the pupil power.

My heart stopped as I saw Storm sat alone at a table. Storm is different from most people. Black clothes, black hair, black eyeliner and black nails. No one talked to him because they thought he was too deep and dark and he was one of my friends favourite targets. Adam's voice brought me out of my thoughts when I heard "hey come on, I've got an idea." I hate doing this. I hate being mean to people, but if I want to stay in the group I have to go along with it. As Adam confidently lead the way over to his table, it suddenly occurred to me how attractive Storm is. His dark eyes heald a lot of mystery and were half hidden by his straightened hair that came down the side of his face and stopped thin and sharp at the bottom of his chin. His lip nose and ear piercing stood out against his pale skin and he had a skull tattoo on his wrist. I think he was just a mystery waiting to be uncovered.

Storm was sketching intently in his usual book, eyes flitting around the paper as he drew. He didn't see us come over. Before I could say anything, Jamie grabbed the notepad from him and started looking through it's crinkled pages. Storm looked up at Jamie not saying a word. I tried to swallow but my throat was tight as Jamie laughed and said "aww look at his cute drawings, trying to be all dark and shit." With that he showed them all round to us. Jamie slowly began to rip down the pages one by one, Storm's glaring stare meeting him through the paper every time. By now, most of the dinner hall had stopped what they were doing to watch Storm be humiliated. Some people snickered quietly, others peered unsure at their friends, but we were all observing Storm. He seemed unemotional, his eyes never leaving Jamie but not saying anything. When the pages were shredded on the table and floor, Jamie smirked at him. "What are you going to do emo boy? " Slowly and seemingly calm Storm rose from his seat and stood infront of Jamie. "Nothing" he replied quietly. I hadn't really heard him speak before. Jamie leaned forward into Storms face and I saw Storm tense, but he tried to appear unfazed. Jamie looked over Storms face. "Thought so." Slowly, Jamie leaned back from Storm and looked at the rest of us. "We'll have to do this again sometime" Misha chirped up next to me in a sickly voice. "Yeah it was a lot of fun" Abbie added. "For us anyway" Adam finished and they all laughed. I stayed silent. We moved of , Jamie making sure to stand on Storms papers as he bent down to pick up all of his work. I felt like such a bitch.

So that's chapter 1, hope you enjoyed :)

Chapter 2 will probably be up tomorrow

Girl in the media is Kayleigh


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