Day 7

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Germany🇩🇪: Amazing, you're practically all healed.

America🇺🇸: it's not easy staying sick around Asians...

Italy🇮🇹: Let's go America!! Get out of that bed sleepy head!! I dressed like this just to cheer you on! *Italy waves Pom Pom's and shakes his hips with a short skirt in the colorful red white and blue.* Go team!!

Germany🇩🇪: Do it so he can change and I don't have to be seen with this...

America🇺🇸: 😂 Ahahaha!!!! I didn't ever think I could laugh again!

Italy🇮🇹: Ve? ☺️ Come on America! For the pizza!! Yaaaay!!!

Germany sits America at the edge of the bed.

Germany🇩🇪: Are you alright? *the grip from America was tight on his shirt*

America🇺🇸: Ow... But yeah I'm okay...

Italy🇮🇹: Yaaay! He's okay he's okay!!!

Germany🇩🇪: we can't get you walking yet, but we'll work you legs here until they're strong enough-

America🇺🇸: No I wanna walk now, bring me up I can do it!

Germany🇩🇪: What, no don't jump into it you'll end up hurting yourself!

America🇺🇸: I can do it! I wanna get out of bed! .... Never thought I'd be saying that before, but get me outta here!

Germany🇩🇪: Alright fine!

Italy watches with his hopes in the sky as the two countries lock their fit arms together and Germany hoisted America up out of the bed on shaky, wobbly legs. America let out a hiss of pain hugging onto Germany tightly

Germany🇩🇪: Are you alright?

America🇺🇸: Y-yeah.

Italy🇮🇹: Hooray! Such a sexy gown America it shows your tooshy!!

America🇺🇸: -////- I know.. Thanks.

Germany🇩🇪: well let's see what you can do lift your leg.

America fought and worked and pushed all his might and using Germany as some support he lifted his leg getting a big cheer from Italy throwing his Pom's in the air and jumping up to catch them.

Germany🇩🇪: Feeling alright?

America🇺🇸: Y-yeah.. I want to get dressed and leave.

Germany🇩🇪: Nein you can't do that now you can barely lift a foot without fully leaning against me!

Italy🇮🇹: Hey America, if you can't walk how do you go to the bathroom??

America🇺🇸: I don't wanna talk about it.

England🇬🇧: Alfred I came to- You're standing!?

Germany🇩🇪: Hardly. He isn't supposed to be up yet until the strength is back in his legs but he insisted on trying to walk anyway...

Italy🇮🇹: He lifted his foot though, he's stronger than we thought!

England🇬🇧: Sit down this instant!

America🇺🇸: But-

England🇬🇧: Sit your arse back on this bloody bed!!

America🇺🇸: H-hey okay!! You don't have to yell... Geez..

Italy hides behind Germany the minute England starts getting angry.

Germany🇩🇪: Calm down England, He was just excited to get up..

England🇬🇧: Don't tell me to calm down! Put him down now, before he hurts himself more, you numb nuts what were you thinking just popping out of bed like that! Do you know what could happen!?

America🇺🇸: .... No, what?

England🇬🇧: I don't know!! But you could hurt yourself!!

America🇺🇸: Okay okay, Iggy I'm sorry.

Italy🇮🇹: E-England, don't yell please...

Germany🇩🇪: It's okay Italy, he was just worried.

England🇬🇧: I'm sorry... I just can't have you hurt anymore.. *England pulls America in a tight hug*

America🇺🇸: I'm not hurt, I'm okay...

England🇬🇧: Just take things slow, there's no need to jump up and rush things... I'm right here for you, take all the time you need.

America 🇺🇸: I'm in debt to everyone so much already...

England🇬🇧: Don't worry about that.

Germany🇩🇪: Ja you can't help it that you aren't on your feet right now. This won't cost any money, but maybe we'll settle a different trade.

Italy🇮🇹: America was in debt to many countries, he couldn't pay it all back in money even though he's tried for years. But he's helped everyone that lent him money and all, don't you think he's payed it off already? We really are in debt to him.

Germany🇩🇪: Oh Ja, if you out it that way.

America🇺🇸: Get me out of here on my own two feet and I'll call everything even... England you can let me go now.

England🇬🇧: Oh, sorry!

After some time went by, Germany wasn't the only one who helped America gain his strength back in his legs. Through the right food and exorcise within three more days, he was able to change out of that exposing hospital gown and into some comfortable clothing, that Canada had got from his apartment.

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