Chapter Sixty-Six

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In the morning she threw away the album for good and didn't feel a twinge of guilt. She was done feeling ashamed or guilty about the end of her relationship with Brad. He hadn't been good for her. Atlas was good for her. That was all that mattered now.

"Tell me something." Atlas said, as he sipped on his coffee. 

"Okay, well, men  ejaculate 20 to 300 million sperm cells in a single milliliter of semen."

Atlas choked on his coffee and didn't stop sputtering for five solid minutes. When he finally caught his breath he huffed out, "I meant I want you to answer something for me. Why do you even know that? You know what, neverminded, don't care."

Chuckling, she walked over and hugged him from behind, allowing her arms to fall down his chest lazily. "What's up?"

"The reason you were doing odd jobs, why you needed money...It was because of Brad, wasn't it?"

Carline pressed her lips to the back of his neck. How he'd guessed the correct answer she didn't know. "Yes."

He reached up and locked their hands. He squeezed and sighed. "Was it because of the divorce or something else?"

"It was a lot of things truthfully. He'd been fired from his job because he drank too much and got into a fight with the boss' daughter--after presumably groping her though it couldn't be proven."

Atlas tensed but didn't interrupt her. "He drank too much, spent cash we didn't have. He crashed his car in a drunk driving incident but luckily the only person hurt was him and a fierce tree."

Carline recalled how terrified she'd felt, hearing the call about her husband being involved in a wreck. Even though their marriage had been rocky, she'd still loved him--then.

"The hospital bills would have been manageable had Brad not wasted both of our incomes. So I started doing odd jobs here and there. Then we filed for divorce and Brad ensured it was done in the most complicated fashion. We both required lawyers. Lawyers neither of us could afford." 

Atlas turned around and pulled her into his legs. Carline wrapped her arms around his waist, not realising she'd needed to feel his hug until he was doing it.

"After the divorce I was a mess and lost my job. Ever since then I've been trying to stay afloat. Mom and Becca offered to help--and I accepted at first, but eventually I could manage it all a little better. But in saying that, I still wasn't where I wanted to be. Then I met you and the rest is history."

Atlas kissed her temple, her nose, her cheek. Then he kissed her lips, chasing away the pain the memories had brought on. Not from Brad, but from all the times she'd been struggling, wondering if there was even a point to it all. 

"I have to get to work but when I come home we're going to Rebecca's for your customary dinner."

Carline smiled and nodded. On the doorstep she kissed him again, hugged him tightly, and watched him drive away. Then she hurried to dress for the day. She had two new guests staying over today and had to ensure everything was up to date.

- - -

Carline was in the process of talking to her sister over the phone when she heard the familiar buzzing of the gate. A woman's chirpy voice asked about the B&B. 

"I have to go, Becca, work calls." 

"Okay. Remember dinner."

"I wouldn't forget it. See you soon."

Once she hung up, Carline buzzed in her newest tenants and checked herself over. Snug jeans, flats, and a peach sleeveless blouse. Her hair was in a low ponytail. She looked fine. 

Carline heard the car crunch to a stop and headed for the door. Carl started yapping. He'd found his voice a few months back and hadn't shut up since. The dog also had grown in his mane. 

Careful to walk outside but not let Carl slip free, She walked down the steps just as a man and woman exited an old model BMW. 

The woman had platinum blond hair and sparkling green eyes. She was thin and dressed in cut off jeans and a flowing white t-shirt, her hair tucked into a bun. 

"Good afternoon, Did you have a nice drive over?" Carline asked politely, smiling warmly.

"It was lovely. Except for when Brad took a wrong turn." Brad. It couldn't be her Brad. There were loads of out Brads in the world.

Carline's breath whooshed out of her as her eyes finally tracked the man. His hair was thinner, his face showing one or two worry lines on his forehead, but he was still the same Bradley she'd dated, loved, married and divorced. 

He smiled, his eyes warm as he tucked his arm around the woman's waist. Carline felt like the earth had crumbled beneath her feet. Like she'd been shoved into a tornado and been left to spiral out of control. 

Carline fought for composure and cleared her throat, adverted her gaze. "Right, well, follow me. I'll show you to the guest house."

Carline unlocked the guest house and dropped the keys for the guests onto the table. She ran through the basics, such as the electronic key fob to unlock the gate which the guests borrowed while vacationing here.

"If you need any ideas on sights to see, there is a pamphlet in this book here. Other than that, I hope you enjoy your stay." She didn't stick around to see how they would react after that. Carline fled to the main house, locked the door, and sank against the door.

Why was the universe out to get her? Why was it playing such a cruel game? Just this morning she'd claimed she had flushed the man out of her life, but clearly the toilet had spat him back out.

Carline had to compose herself before Atlas came home. Crud. What would she say when Atlas came home? Did she tell him Brad was staying here? Or did she just let it lie.

She paced endlessly, unsure. Her stomach tightened as every minute ticked by. She flinched at every sound of Brad and the new lady collecting things from their car and lugging it into the guest house. 

Finally Carline couldn't take it anymore and grabbed Carl's leash--with Carl buckled into it, the house keys, and rushed outside. She hesitated long enough to lock the front doors and then hopped into her car. Carl jumped to the back seats and lay down. 

Carline pealed out of the driveway before either Brad or his new lady friend could spot her. She didn't know where she was driving until she pulled up in front of her sister's house an hour later.

She was exceptionally early, at least three hours, but lucky for her, Becca was home.

Carline didn't even have to say anything, her sister to could see something was wrong. "Come inside, we'll talk."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This has also been another plot I've wanted to add practically since the beginning of the book. I debated not adding it but I have my heart set on playing it out. 

What do you think of Brad's sudden appearance? How do you think Atlas will react if he finds out?

Read on to find out what happens next!

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