Chapter Twenty-One

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Okay she'd failed that Talking part. She'd also allowed Atlas into her home for much  longer than five minutes. He'd been inside her home long enough to make love to her on her couch and then find her bedroom, wash up, and then make love to her once more. 

Carline bit her lip as Atlas smoothed a warm hand down her back. She was incredibly comfortable and sated, feeling the drugging cloy of sleep. A part of her was tempted to ignore all of their problems for a couple of hours and simply bask in the warmth and strength of his arms, but the more logical part of her brain chided her and won the battle. 

"We have to talk about it, Atlas." Carline murmured as she gently smoothed a hand down his cupids arrow, feeling his soft skin and the indents of his six pack. 

Atlas' hand stilled on her lower back. He sighed deeply like he'd rather do anything--anything, else. 

"Would a simple I'm sorry, suffice?" 

"It's a good start. Not necessarily the end result, but a start nonetheless." 

"And what would be the end result? In an idealistic world?" Atlas asked calmly. 

Carline's lips twitched. She glanced up at Atlas. "Oh no Mister, I'm not holding your hand through this. You dug this hole, now try and dig yourself out of it."

Heaving an even bigger sigh than the last time, Atlas rolled over until she was underneath him, her arms wrapped loosely around his neck. His body rubbed against hers which felt extraordinary. If she weren't so sated she'd beg for another round. 

"Alright, I am sorry that you--"


"Fine. I'm sorry that Logan--"

"Atlas." Carline cut in curtly, shoving at his chest. If he was going to blame other people for his actions over the week then they might as well move on, because clearly nothing had changed since the time he stormed away from her, and when he arrived on her front door. 

Chuckling, Atlas bent down and brushed his lips against her neck. Her traitorous body responded  by shivering in delight. Her hands tightened against his shoulders as a breath panted out of her. 

"Sugar, I am sorry about what happened last week. I'm not saying it was right of me to assume that you and that...Logan fellow were getting chummy."

"Who says 'Chummy' anymore?" Carline demanded just to distract herself from what the mans lips were doing pressed against her collarbone. 

"I do. Especially when I think some blighter is getting chummy with someone I like."

"You like me, huh?" Carline murmured as she pressed her lips to his chin and then to his ear. 

"More and more everyday." Atlas responded deeply, pressing kisses in between the valley of her breasts. 

For a few minutes she forgot about the fact they were supposed to be talking, hashing things out, and instead allowed herself to be sucked back into the mans superb seduction game. He was talented with his hands and lips. There wasn't an inch of her skin he didn't explore. 

At long last common sense returned to her and Carline pulled out of their dance of lips. "No, Atlas, we're talking not snogging" 

"Who says snogging anymore?" He asked on a lazily grin. 

Carline fought a laugh and instead slapped at his chest. "Mister, more talking, less kissing."

"Party pooper." But he relented and rolled off her. 

Carline instantly felt deprived and sat up, pulling her bedsheet over her naked body to save off the chill. 

Reclined against the headboard, Atlas stared at her unblinkingly. Carline returned the stare without squirming under his scrutiny. This was up to him, he had to figure out what to say to get back into her good graces.

And as much fun Carline was having tangled up in the mans arms, it just wasn't tangible enough. They hadn't discussed the possibility of a relationship. They had honestly just had two nights together, But Carline didn't feel like it was just the sex that kept them dallying with one another. 

At least on her side it was more than just the enjoyment of being in each others arms. 

Her thoughts abruptly ended when Atlas' hands reached out and swiftly dumped her onto his lap. His hands remained on her waist. "There. That's better."

Carline cocked her right eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

He grinned toothily. Carline cursed her heart for dancing in tune to a drummer playing the drums. 

Atlas ran his hands up the sides of her breasts and nodded. "Oh yeah."

Rolling her eyes, She shoved away his hands. "Atlas I'm not getting any younger here." 

"You're only twenty-seven. You've got time."

She flicked his nipple which made him whine. "Ouch. What did you do that for?" 

Carline narrowed her eyes and waited. Finally he smiled again and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to her nose, then he leaned back and sighed. "I'm sorry I assumed that you were involved in any way with Logan. I'm sorry I insulted you. I'm sorry I've been a jackass and a douche--and any other synonym." 

Carline grinned and smoothed her hands down his chest. She loved touching him, feeling him, she doubted she'd ever grow bored of feeling his warm skin and the light smattering of dark chest hair, his cupids arrow. 

"Keep going." She instructed.

"There's more?

"I guess you could get dressed and hit the road. You know, if there's nothing else you have to say to me." 

Atlas bowed his head and muttered under his breath something that sounded suspiciously like a curse. He lifted his head and ran his hand to her cheek, cradling her face in a delicate embrace.

"I am sorry that I self-sabotaged something that was incredible." 

Oh Jesus. What was she supposed to do now? Melt into a puddle of pathetic goo? Or kiss him senseless. She chose a middle point and melted against him and kissed him deeply. 

When Carline pushed back she kissed his chest. "I really, really hate you."

His chuckle made her lips fuzzy. "Funny, you show hate differently than I do."

"I'm still not completely happy with you. But it's a good start." 

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do to...persuade you to feel differently?" Atlas asked on a seductive murmur. 

Carline grinned and then bit her lip but it didn't help. She was lost to the man. And he knew it. Like a Shark who scented blood, he dove in for a meal. 

Carline closed her eyes and thanked the lord for the fine specimen riddling her body with kisses and overloading her nerves. 


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Do you think Atlas deserved his second chance? Do you think he should have groveled longer? Let me know. Other than that, keep on reading!

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