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(A/N: hello readers welcome to the Prologue of the story, let's get to see our main protagonist. Now let's begin)

3rd P.O.V

(A/N: music)

I can't take this anymore.....

I want to get out of this hell........

Every single day.............every day is nothing but a never-ending torture.....

All they want is to test me for their horrid experiments......

I am forced to turn into something inhuman............they took my humanity and turned me into an vicious animal.....

"It was the exact same thing ever since he was kidnapped and forced to lose his humanity to become a predatory creature. How they proceeded to do that was quite maniacal, not only did they capture a black leopard straight out of it's habitat but they beat it to death until it was lifeless. They took the animal's DNA and inserted it in the victim's body, now he had some features of the animal such as sharp teeth and sharp nails, he was more animal than human. However, there was one more thing that he was able to do, he was able to transform into the animal itself. As a leopard, he seems to still regain his human conscious meaning that he wouldn't be making any rational decisions that an animal would try to do. It may not sound bad being able to turn into an animal, but the worst part is being caged like a prisoner which was the case for the victim"

??? 1: you have the food ready ?

??? 2: yeah. Let's just give it to him

"Two men were walking towards the cage where the victim was with one of them holding a freshly raw meat. The victim who was now a leopard glared at them while growling angrily, despite the fact that he was at least given food, this was still a terrible way to treat him"

??? 1: I guess he's still mad

??? 2: who cares, he's just a dumb animal. Now give him the damn food

"One of the men proceeds to throw the meat right in front of the cage which seems to be a preferable method for them rather than opening the cage door. Although for the victim, it was nothing more but frustrating to be treated like a pitiful prisoner but either way, he takes the meat using his paws who pass through the bars and then his sharp claws that take the meat inside the cage. While doing this, he was glaring and growling at the two men who end up leaving him not bothering to witness his pointless anger"

Those two guys....

I hate them so much.....

"And just like that, the victim was on his own like he always was. He was savoring this delicious meal and yet he was still angry about everything, from his treatment and being caged like a prisoner. Everything in this place was complete hell, but the worst part is that he wasn't the only one here. There were more victims who suffer from this unfair fate, they never asked for this and yet they are screaming in agony and wanting to just leave. They were also forced to become animals and their treatment was simply thrown out of the window, it's unknown what these people were even trying to do but it's clear that it was for something terrible"

I just want to leave..........go home and live the rest of my life with my family......

These people..........these sick and twisted people..............I swear when I get out of this..........I will kill them......

I will fight for my Freedom

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for the Prologue hope you enjoy and I'll see you guys next time)

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