The Poem

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"Tyler, do you have everything packed?" Mom asked out loud.

"Yeah, Mom." Ty called from the other room. "I just finished packing up my socks."

"Oh, terrific!" Mom said happily.

Well, the day finally arrived. The day my older brother Tyler would be taken to college so he could become a dentist, and the day I'd be home alone for a whole week straight after that billboard/paint bomb incident. To be honest, I couldn't tell which sounded better: the golden child finally leaving or that I had the whole place to myself. Either way, I'd be in Heaven if it meant Ty would be gone for an entire school year.

I, on the other hand, was keeping myself busy by doing some more sketches up in my room. That is, until the prodigal son showed up with a suitcase next to him. Most likely to brag about how I got into trouble for doing something bad and how he didn't for the millionth time. I admit what my friends and I did was bad, but at least I didn't blame them or lie and say that they made me vandalize the billboard. Heck, it was my idea in the first place. All the paint bomb plans were.

"Pity you can't come help." Ty smirked as he leaned against my door. "I could've used your help move the mini fridge."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at my older brother, correct about my previous observations. "Yeah, I can practically see you leaping for joy at that thought."

"Just don't kill yourself while we're gone."

"Yes, I'd bet you'd hate that."

Ty dropped the smirk and went straight to being the annoying older brother he was. "So long as you're out of the way, I don't care what happens to you."

I rolled my eyes and went back to sketching. "Suck a truck and tell me something I don't know."

"Tyler, let's go!" Mom's voice called from the other room.

Ty looked back and pulled out an innocent tone. "Coming, Mom!"

Ty started to head out of my room before looking back to give me a half-hearted goodbye. "Bye, brat."

"So long, chicken boy." I replied.

Mom then came into my room to get Ty. "What is taking you so long?"

"Frankie was sulking, so I was trying to cheer her up." Ty played innocent as he lied to Mom.

I rolled my eyes at his lie. 

How my mom ever believes that sneaky, no good, lying, S.O.B is way beyond me. But I guess since he's the oldest and golden child, she's completely oblivious to reality when he lies to her face. In fact, he's less like the golden oldest child and more like a spoiled rotten toddler in that sense. He gets away with everything, while I get stuck with the blame. Y'know, if I were some kind of a Disney villain, that'd be my quote-unquote -'tragic backstory' and motivation, but I feel more like the hero who's stuck with an annoying bully instead.

"That's nice, dear." Mom smiled at him, falling for his lie. "But she knew her punishment the moment she vandalized the billboard."

"Alright." Ty gave a shrug.

"Now, get in the car. We're going to be late." Mom told Ty.

My older brother nodded, grabbed his suitcase, and left my room. And not even two seconds later, Mom quickly dropped the sweetness when she turned to me to reset the ground rules of my punishment.

"Okay, young lady, you know the rules: No friends." she said.

"I'll cancel the slumber party." I cynically said.

"What?!" Mom shouted, thinking I was serious.

Dad quickly rushed in, holding my baby brother Leo in his arms, to prevent her from shouting. "Carol, she's kidding."

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