Arabian Nights: Part 1

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Well, the first world I thought would kickstart my adventure wasn't quite how I pictured it would be. I thought I'd end up in a nice world that was home to a calm forest with a cool breeze flowing through as I was accompanied by some friendly characters. But instead, I found out that the portal Merlin opened up led me to a desert. I was in the middle of nowhere, sweating my heart out, and didn't see a single person to help me.

"In the middle of a hot desert, in daylight," I panted miserably as I practically dragged my feet in the burning sand before yelling up into the sky. "Merlin, this place is the worst!"

I stopped complaining to the cloudless sky above me and tried to press on. As I was walking, an interesting thought came to mind: If Merlin wanted me to find dark magic to try to power up the spell, he wouldn't have just dropped me off right near a villain's domain. It would've been too easy for me to finish the quest, and he saw how excited I was to be stuck in Disney, so him putting me in the middle of a desert was probably just a big test to see if I was worthy enough to get that source of dark magic to power up the spell. Y'know, kinda like how Hercules had to prove himself a true hero before he could regain his godhood, only this place had no monsters to fight or people to save. Just sand.

I walked on a little bit more before I spotted something in the distance. It looked like a small jungle with a small pool of water just sitting in the middle of the desert, an oasis. But, I thought they were super rare and super hard to find -I mean, how would I know? I'm a city girl.

"I swear, if my eyes are playing tricks on me, I will scream." I said as I closed my eyes shut, thinking the oasis would be nothing more than a mirage, but when I opened my eyes, the oasis was still there.

It was real, and I couldn't be more happy! I started running towards the oasis, my mouth watering at the pool in thirst and images of fruit hanging from the trees entered my hungry mind, but those thoughts quickly shut off when I accidentally tripped over a large dune and started rolling down. And if you thought hot sand was bad enough, rolling down hot sand hurt even more.

"Are you okay?" someone asked me in concern; I could tell by the sound of their voice that it was a boy speaking.

"Y-yeah..." I spat out some sand that was in my mouth. "You have no idea how far I walked to hope I'd find someone."

I barely opened my eyes before I realized that my glasses had sand in them. "Or at least hope to find."

"Here, let me get that for you." a familiar friendly voice told me.

The next thing I knew, the sound of a vacuum cleaner was going off and I felt all the sand disappear from my body and my glasses. And when I finally opened my eyes, I could finally see who exactly I had literally bumped into. It was Aladdin, and with him was his monkey Abu, the magic carpet, and the one and only Genie -who was holding a vacuum cleaner before making it disappear in a puff of pink smoke.

I must've found the same oasis they went to after Genie busted them out of the caved-in Cave of Wonders. I guess this was the world Merlin had sent me to to find dark magic, which meant that the only person here who could help me was the one who trapped Aladdin in the Cave before he could get the lamp: Jafar.

"Thank you." I told them.

As I got up onto my feet, I took a good look at my outfit for this world. A tattered blue shirt with a white vest and tattered pants, and my shoes consisted of open toed sandals. I guess I was a street rat in this world.

"Is this the little lady you were talking about?" Genie asked Aladdin as he pinched my cheeks. "She is kinda cute, aren't 'cha?"

Aladdin shook his head. "No, I've never seen her before."

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