The Houseguest

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After a long day of classes, Jisung and Hyunjin headed back to the old house for the night. They planned to order food in a bit and hang out, even though there wasn't much to do without tv and the internet.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Hyunjin nearly whispered as he stepped into the house. "I bet it's full of memories for someone."

"Was," Jisung corrected him. "The whole reason I got the house was that there was no immediate family left to take it."

"I guess you really lucked out." Hyunjin looked around in awe as he made his way into the living room, tossing his overnight bag onto the floral sofa. "You were right, I love it."

"I know you so well," Jisung said with an exaggeratedly cute face.

"Ah, so you said there's nothing to watch yet," Hyunjin remembered, pointing to the old tv set. "That thing looks ridiculous."

"Right? I think I remember my grandparents having a tv like that when I was really little, but seeing one now is just crazy." He crouched down and peered into the old thing as if trying to understand its nature. "I guess we'll just have to find something else to keep us entertained tonight."

"That's fine. I'm not much for tv anyway." Hyunjin shrugged and wandered around, looking at every detail of the room. "Hey, mind if I explore a little?"

"Go ahead. I'm just going to check my messages." Jisung pulled out his phone and sat down on the old couch while his friend happily wandered away.

Hyunjin climbed the creaky stairs and down the hallway. He quietly peeked into each room as if trying not to disturb anyone. He lingered in the master bedroom, admiring the antique belongings of his friend's late aunt.

He got to Jisung's room last and it was obvious it was the one he'd selected. The bed wasn't made and dirty clothes were flung across the floor. Even the window had been left open.

"Jisung!" Hyunjin called from the top of the stairs. "You shouldn't leave your window open all day. What if it rains?"

Jisung took his eyes from his phone and looked in the direction of the voice, furrowing his eyebrows at the insinuation.

"What are you talking about? I didn't leave it open," he shouted back.

"Well, it's open. Clearly, you left it that way," Hyunjin nagged.

Jisung grumbled to himself as he stood up and pocketed his phone. He trudged up the stairs and to his bedroom where Hyunjin was still lingering.

"I swear I..." He trailed off as he went over and closed the window again. "I must be losing it. Last night I could have sworn I closed it too, but I woke up freezing and it was wide open."

"Maybe you're just a little stressed from being in a new place. It's easy to forget stuff like that." Hyunjin tried to reassure him, well aware of Jisung's absentmindedness, even if Jisung himself wasn't.

"Maybe." Jisung couldn't help but feel a little weirded out by the whole window thing, but there was nothing else to blame it on.

"Hey, should we order food now? I'm starving." Hyunjin suddenly asked, even though he hadn't finished exploring.

"Yes. Please." Jisung patted his tummy happily at the thought of free food, courtesy of his best friend.

The two headed back downstairs and quickly decided on their meals. It was easy since they had the same taste in cuisine, and Hyunjin wasn't shy about ordering whatever they wanted. He had the luxury of wealthy parents and still received a weekly allowance while in college. Jisung couldn't deny he loved having him as a friend, but he never took advantage. Either way, Hyunjin was always willing to spoil.

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