Mystery Solved?

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The next morning was rough. Jisung and Hyunjin had finished the case of beer and stayed up late watching stupid movies. But, regardless, Jisung had to get ready for work. Hyunjin managed to drag himself out of bed as Jisung was making coffee.

"Ugh my head," Hyunjin groaned as he trudged into the kitchen. "Can I get some of that to go?"

Jisung nodded and poured some coffee into a travel mug for his hungover friend. Neither one of them felt like talking while they attempted to recover. Hyunjin simply waved goodbye as he walked out of the kitchen and left the house.

When Jisung got to work, he made himself a smoothie before his shift started. It felt like the only thing he might be able to keep down, as far as any kind of food went. Luckily, it actually helped him start to feel a little better after a while.

It was another busy day and he felt himself watching the clock anytime there was a lull, desperate for his lunch break so he could sit down for a while. Finally, it was time and he immediately took his apron off and started to head to the back room. But before he got to the door, he heard his name being called from across the café.

"Han Jisung, what's the hurry?"

Jisung whirled around to see Minho, and he was carrying a bag of something.

"Oh, you don't look so great," Minho muttered as he approached, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. "Rough night?"

"Fun night. Rough morning," Jisung groaned. "Did you need something? I was just going on break."

"I know. That's why I'm here. I brought lunch for us." Minho smiled and held up the bag. It was takeout from the same place where they'd had their date a couple nights ago.

"Oh...that was nice of you. But, I'm not sure if I can stomach raw fish right now." Jisung held his stomach and tried not to look too green.

"Nah, it's an excellent hangover cure. Come on, sit down with me," Minho urged.

Jisung really didn't want to pass up good food, even though he was concerned about what it might do to him. So, he sat down at a table with Minho and tried to be grateful.

"So, what was the occasion?" Minho asked as he took the containers out and opened them.

"No occasion. Just hung out with Hyunjin at my house. Guess we got carried away," Jisung laughed, and then held his head at the instant throbbing.

"I wish I could have seen that cute, tipsy face of yours again. You should have sent me a picture at least." Minho tapped Jisung's nose, just as he did the other night in his car.

Jisung had an immediate flashback of how he had stopped Minho from kissing him. He felt embarrassed all over again. But at least the blushing added some much needed color to his pale, hungover complexion.

"Or maybe next time you could invite me instead of Hyunjin. I bet we'd have a lot more fun together." Minho hooked his finger under Jisung's chin and gave him a sly smirk.

In that moment, there was something Jisung realized. Minho and Lino had some similarities, aside from sharing the same face. They were both rather bold when they wanted something. But he never saw Minho shy or embarrassed with his actions, the way Lino would get flustered and hide if he did something he regretted.

As much as it annoyed Jisung when the ghost would vanish like that, there was something endearing about it. The fact that he could have those emotions at all was surprising. And yet he never saw those emotions in Minho. Was he incapable or did Jisung simply not know him well enough yet to see that side?

And once again, he realized he was thinking about Lino while he was with Minho. It never seemed to be the other way around, at least not since he got used to the ghost having his face. Perhaps his feelings really were much stronger than he was aware of.

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