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I've been at Seigaku for a month now, the other regulars are used to my habits that I've picked up from Jin. I've visited Sengoku Kiyosumi and Wakato Hiroshi frequently as well.
"Atsuko, you and Echizen should really get together," Momoshiro said as he shoved me into an empty room. I blinked and then ran at the door as he shut it. I heard the back door open to the shack and then watched in silence as Ryoma was shoved in. I frowned, hearing the doors get locked from the outside.
"Takeshi!" I shouted.
"She's going to kill me!" I heard Momoshiro scream.
I picked up my racket and a tennis ball, serving it straight at the door. After hitting it about five times, a large dent formed, but to get through the entire door, it would take a while longer. This one is made of metal which makes it way more difficult to break through.
After a while I gave up and sat down on a bench, pulling out another match and cigar. I lit it on fire and then crumpled up a piece of paper and lit it on fire as well, then throwing it at a wall. The flames obviously stopped before I even hit the wall, but it passed a little bit more of my time. I pulled out my phone, there was no wifi in here, but I could hack it.
I pulled out a small computer from my tennis bag, huh, I'm glad I brought it along today. I qucikly plugged it into my phone and then started hacking into the wifi system and connected.
I scrolled in my contacts and found Sengoku and Wakato. If I called Jin he'd probably kill Momoshiro and Eiji. I clicked the call button, dialing them both at the same time.
"Oi, Kiyosumi, Hiroshi," I said with a scowl.
"Hm? Who is this?" Sengoku's sleepy voice said.
"Use your ears, Kiyosumi, and wake up. Listen, I need both of you to come to Seigaku and break me out of this stupid shack. Momoshiro and Kikumaru locked us in here. And I don't want you to let Jin know they did this. Sure he'd get revenge on them, but he'd probably kill them in the process," I said a light laugh in the back of my throat.
"Who's "us"?" Wakato said, speaking up. "If it's a hot lady then I'll be right over to meet her. Either way I'll get you out, but a hot lady fangirling over me."
"Hiroshi, it's not a girl. He's twelve. And I'm stuck in here with Ryoma, Seigaku's super rookie," I said, scowling.
"You're with Echizen?!!!!" Wakato and Sengoku shouted. I winced and brought the phone away from my ear.
"Hai. And I do realize he beat Jin one time, but they think we're the perfect match just because we're super rookies. And you're on speaker now," I said, scowling.
"We are?! Oi, Echizen, Akutsu hates you," Sengoku shouted through the phone.
"You don't need to shout, Kiyosumi. Now both of you, get to Seigaku! I'm tired of being stuck in a box with ntohing to do. I had to hack the wifi to even contact you two! You go to school at Josei Shonan and Yamabuki, it shouldn't be that far away!" I shouted at them. "Now, quickly!"
"Wait! You can hac-?" Wakato started. I hung up before he could finish. I need to get out of here. I can create small talk later.
"Ryoma, we're getting out of here. And when we do, I'm killing Momoshiro and Kikumaru," I scowled
"Hai," Ryoma said quietly, tipping his hat at me. I smirked.
"Two super rookies against two senpais. I'd like to see how we win," I said with a dark laugh.
"Atsuko! Are you in there?!" Wakato shouted. I punched my knuckles against the door.
"What do you think, Hiroshi?" I scowled.
"The door will be unlocked in . . . Sengoku, hurry up!" Wakato shouted.
"How about you both hurry up before Jin realizes you're gone, Kiyosumi!"
"And done!" Sengoku shouted, kicking down the door.
"You could've just unlocked it," I mused. It truly was remarkable how stupid boys were.
I stepped out of the shack and covered my eyes from the bright sunlight. I caught Eiji and Momoshiro laughing on a bench together, Kaido glaring at Momoshiro as he ran laps around the school, Tezuka thinking, Inui collecting data, Fuji and Taka studying together, and Oishi trying to make Eiji tell him what they were laughing about.
"Takeshi!" I shouted, drawing his attention along with all of the other regulars. "Get your stinkin' li'l ass back here!"
Eiji and Momoshiro looked at each other for a second before jumping off the bench. "RUN!" they both screamed and started sprinting away
"Alright, Ryoma-san," I said. "We need a good plan to get them back. Hiroshi, we'll use your house, perhaps your fangirls will come in handy."
"Hai, Atsuko. See you after school," Wakato said. I heard a loud bell and looked up at the orange haired kid, smirking.
"Let's get going. You lead the way. I'll text Jin, and Kiyosumi, you go back to Yamabuki before Jin realizes you ran away," I said, shooing him away.
I pointed at Wakato and then poked him, he grinned charmingly at me and then started walking towards Wakato's house.
It was a neat place. Wakato's room was covered in tennis posters, orange walls and white caps hung up on the walls. He jumped on his couch and then pulled his hat over his eyes, grinning at me.
"Welcome to my home, Miss Atsuko," Wakato said.
"It would be my pleasure, Sir Hiroshi," I said, playing along with a wide smile.

Ryoma's P.O.V

It was strange seeing Atsuko act like this. She had completely abandoned her smoking habits around her other friends. She laughed so muh more when she was around Wakato and Sengoku. She does look quite a bit like her older brother Akutsu, but she's so different in so many ways. One, she can laugh and smile, and two, she won't hurt people unless she has to.
"Well, Ryoma-san, you coming or are you out on out plan?" Atsuko said with a smile as she started following Wakato into the kitchen.
"Coming," I replied as I quickly stood up and followed them both.
"Alright, Ryoma-san, help us think of a good plan. And it's got to be something they hate. You know them better than we do, so we're really relying on you on this one," Atsuko said with a smile at me.
"Wakato Hiroshi!" a feminine voice shrieked. "Why's the mud all over the carpets!"
"Okaasan!" Wakato shouted, quickly chucking his shoes across the room and out the back door before taking off his hat and throwing it in the trash. "I have friends over!"
"Friends?" the voice said. "Who?"
"Hey, Wakato-sama," Atsuko said politely. "Remember me?"
"Oi! Akutsu Atsuko!" the female said as she stepped into view. She had long orange-brown hair with Wakato's purple eyes and an apron on with a broom in her right hand. "It's been too long, Atsuko-kun!" she said happily.
"You know fully well that if I want to get to the top, I'm willing to do anything to get there," Atsuko said, her voice turning serious in a second.
I heard a loud ringing across the silence and Atsuko blinked picking up her phone and then answering the call after looking at the ID.
"Jin?" Atsuko said. "Okay . . . I'll keep an eye out . . . yeah, I know . . . I'll be careful, I promise . . alright . . . see you at home." She looked up at us. "Sorry, I've gotta go. There's a slight . . . family urgency that's come up." She suddenly stood up, shook hands with Wakato's Okaasan, hugged Wakato, and then nodded at me. I blinked. About five minutes after she left, Wakato kicked me out of his house. He probably doesn't like me very much because Seigaku beat his team.

Atsuko's P.O.V

Jin had called me. He said there was a family urgency. To be more specific, one of the people he's played against wants revenge on him because they lost with serious injuries and couldn't play tennis for two years. They're out for revenge and directing it at Jin. But they're still smart enough to know that they won't be able to beat Jin. And guess what that means? They're going for someone important to him. And guess who that is? Me. His younger sister he'll protect with his life. Isn't this great? The best day of my life, finding out I'm going to be assassinated, getting trapped in a shed and revealing to Hiroshi and Kiyosumi that I can hack their stuff.
Best day of my life.
I smirked to myself as I shoved my hands in my pockets and then caught sight of an empty car with keys in it. I smiled to myself as I grabbed the keys and stepped into the driver's seat, twisting it and then heading home. After I finished, I found a large rock, stuck the keys in the hole, and then dropped the rock on the gas pedal, making the car explode as it crashed into a brick wall. I grinned to myself as I walked into my house, my hands in my pockets and my brother waiting on the couch.
"Atsuko, I can assume that was you who crashed the car?" Jin mused plainly.
"Hai. Definitely me," I said, pointing to myself proudly.
"Let's get down to the facts," Jin said, starting to talk.

An hour later and I had a bunch of phones on me, an apple watch, and a few knives in my sheaths under my Yamabuki jersey.
I was prepared for anything that might happen to me. Jin even gave me a pistol-like gun with a scope on it so I can carry it around easily and snipe out people following me.
And now, I was going to bed.

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