BW 4.6

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The next day, Leo is baking the cake and adding ice cream as well as icing and piping it. When it was all finished, he placed the ice topper with April and Casey on the bench. Timothy whistled as he admired it.

"Great job."One of your best masterpieces." Leo smiled in relief. "Thanks boss. Are the koenas waiting for me out there?" Timothy shrugged. "About half of them. The other half went exploring." That peeked Leo's interest. "That's odd. It seemed like none of them wanted to be separated from me, so why?"

He's wiping the flour and icing off with his apron before tossing it aside. "Help me put this in the freezer, and I'll see you at the wedding." His boss saluted him before helping him with the wedding cake.

When Leo came to the front, he sees Venus and Mikey lounging at one of the tables. Mikey beamed when he spotted him. "How did it go?"

Leo smiled in relief. "It is done. We just need to get it to the wedding. Where are the others?" "They decided to check the town out." Venus said. "It was tough to decide who would go and who would stay with you." Leo shook his head. "You could've joined them. I wouldn't have minded." Mikey shook his head. "No way dude. We aren't going to lose sight of you for a while."

Leo sighed. "Well, I am finished for the day. How about I show you places I know? We might even meet the others at one of them." They agreed and headed off.

As they were walking down the street, they bumped into April. "Hey Leo." she smiled then stretched her hand out to the others. "Hi, I'm April O'Neil. Channel six news."

They greeted and shook hands with her. "If you don't mind I would like to interview you guys. It's not everyday that people find their way into Enchanted Falls."

"April." Leo said and she smiled sheepishly. "Oh, right. After I get married, of course. Then you can decide if you want to be on the news or not." Her eyes lit up. "You are coming right? I would love it if you can attend my wedding."

Leo face palmed himself as they happily agreed to come. "Great. Now, head to my sister Robin's shop, and she'll happily get you dresses and tuxedos. Tell her to add it to my tab." She winked before heading out. "I'll see you guys then." She waved them off.

At that moment, the others accompanied by Irma and LH came walking down the street. "Hey guys. How was your exploration?" Mikey asked. "The hidden library had a lot of books, but nothing we could find on regaining the town people's memories."

Irma clapped her hands together in excitement. "However, Miwa might be able to help us out." That got their attention. "How so?" Leo asked and his twin smirked.

"From what you've learned during one of our tests back in our world, you and I have the ability to summon memories since water preserves memories from the past."

Leo blinked at her. "Water preserves memories?" Miwa is still smirking as she nodded. "It sure does. Now, shall we test it out, and see if we can learn anything?"

They headed to town square where the water fountain is located. "This fountain and the river west of here, as well as an old well contains the most water in Enchanted Falls. So, this should be a great start." Irma announced as they found it, and stood in front of the fountain with onlookers watching them.

"Here goes nothing." Miwa manipulated the water with hand gestures before making it implode and showing a few slide shows of the past. Everyone watching is looking in awe.

"Wow." Leo breathed out in wonder as the water reminiscences the small town, and jumped when he sees his past-self greeting and helping townsfolk as well as use his ice magic for festivities.

"Hm. There's no sign of Lotus Blossom hiding our memories here, but this is awesome!" Irma cheered as the koenas deflate.

Leo couldn't help enjoying himself before hearing a familiar girly giggle. His attention is now in the direction of the woods. "From my dream." He mumbled before heading towards the direction of the sound.

Venus noticed. "Leo?" she's following him along with the others. "Leo." "Bro." he ignored them and kept going before Raph rushed in front of him making him stop. "Mind telling us what you're doing, and what you're up to."

Leo looked bashful. "I know this is going to sound weird, but I just heard a giggle coming from this forest. And not just any giggle, it's the same one from a dream I had the other night."

"A giggle?" Raph asked. He nodded his head. "Yes." He answered. Just then, it echoed throughout the forest, and everyone heard it.

"Well, I'm glad you're not going bonkers on us dude, but this is getting creepy." Mikey spoke from behind. "Wait a minute. That giggle is awfully familiar."After hearing it repeat itself, he beamed. "Oh! Oh! It's yours." He jumped up and down excitedly and pointed at Venus.

Leo looked at her. "That was you?" she smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"Mind telling us what kind of dream you were having. Ha! You're blushing!" His twin is elbowing him. He shoved her aside. "I don't remember much. Just her giggle." She hummed mischievously. "Anyways, it's coming from inside the forest, so I think we should investigate it."

"Oh Leo." Karai came out of nowhere making the Koenas glare at her.

"Hey Karai. What an outfit you've got on." Leo is observing the black dress with ruffles and Frankenstein boots she's wearing.

"Thanks." She took his words as a compliment. "I'm wearing this to April and Casey's wedding." She stepped closer and is trailing his chest with her fingers. "And I'm officially asking you to be my date."

"You've gotta be freaking kidding me." Raph murmured.

Before Leo could give his answer, Venus stepped in with electricity surging through her body. "How dare you. He's my boyfriend, so back off."

"Boyfriend?" Leo asked. "What are you talking about?"

"He doesn't even remember you, so I think this gives me the right to ask him out." Karai cut him off and she and Venus are growling and glowering at each other.

"Over my dead body." Venus spat.

"I can arrange that." Karai retorted back before they form magic on their palms, ready for a cat fight.

"Hold on!" they stare at Leo. "Mind telling me what the heck is going on here?!

"Finally." Raph breathed out. "You don't know how much I've been dying to tell ya. Especially with how clueless you are. Karai here, goes to the ice cream shop cause she likes you, but you can't cause Venus here is your girlfriend from our world."

Leo gawked at them. "What? Why didn't you guys tell me when I asked about the world we came from?"

The koenas frowned. "We wanted to tell you Leo, we really did, but you're still trying to process everything and adding a girlfriend might've overwhelmed you, so."

"See? They lied to you." Karai is accusing them. "Why should you believe a word they tell you if they've kept something like this from you?"

Miwa growled. "You're one to talk. You didn't by chance take a stroll in the woods and came across us." She pointed at her. "You were obviously following us, and not just to hit on my brother. It has something to do everyone's memories, doesn't it?"

"Don't be ridiculous! Why would I even care about regaining people's memories or not? That's preposterous!"

With a wave of her hands, Miwa summoned moisture around Karai, and it projected a slide-show of the past. It is of Lotus talking to Karai.

"Everything is all set, and we shall finally live in a place where no one can judge us for what we are." They hugged. "I love you." Karai said. "I love you too, my daughter." Lotus said back making everyone gasp.

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