Chapter 3

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It was finally the next day. As I quickly get dressed I head downstairs and see Alice. "Ah good morning Alice" "Good morning y/n" as she walks towards me handing me a folder "this the information about mary that Mother Angel gave me to give you" "Oh thank you" "Of course anyways i'll be leaving now, bye" "bye" as I say my goodbyes to Alice I make my way to couch to start reading about mary.

After what an hour or so I was able to get more information about her. She was born in this town, always went to church, loves birds, and she goes into the middle of the woods for hours and more. I quickly look at her address and decided to go over.

As I get closer to get home I see her sneaking out and leaving. I follow behind her trying not to be caught. I decided to turn into a blue jay, and continue following her. I start to see an old church appear in the distance. I quickly look around and see no one trying to figure out why she's here.

Mary stopped near the church but doesn't go in but sit by a tree near by. I sit in a branch on top of her in the try seeing her grab a sketch book from her bag. While looking I hear another sit on a branch across from me. It was raven it looked at me as if it was trying to figure me out tilting it's head to the right. I start to feel unsteady and start flying away, while taking a small break on a branch I see the same raven again. Once again I start to fly away looking back and see the raven following not far from me.

After try to get away from the raven and go around the woods I realized that i've gotten lost. I turn back to human form since being a bird takes up to much energy. I hear foots step behind me, I slowly turned around and see tall man in all black with a silver mask with horns on it. "Hello who are you" he asked, i stay quite not knowing if i should answer him or not. "It's rude not to answer when someone ask you a question" he says while slowly walking closer to me. I start to step backwards at each step he took.

Once he noticed he smiled at me "I won't hurt you and assuming you aren't a raven I'll take a guess and say you're an angel?" I continued to just star at him I hear someone behind me. I felt and hand on my mouth and another grabbing me the waist squeezing me, with both hands I try and take the hand off while screaming. "Rain whos your friend here" said another walking past the person covering my mouth and I. "Uh not sure they won't say anything.." "it's fine dew let go of her mouth"

As they do so I breathe heavy from being scared and him covering my mouth. "Now who are you?"
Before say anything I turn back into my blue jay form getting out of his grip and quickly flying up and away. "Fuck follow her" The three turned into ravens and followed me.

Once again I see the church and mary still in the spot I last saw her. With panic I head towards her and sit her lap. She was surprised seeing me she looks up to see the ravens.

Mary Pov
As I was drawing and blue jay flew into my lap. It had looked terrified, I looked up to see three ravens following the poor bird. "Swiss, Rain, Dew what you doing following this bird?!" As they gently hit ground they turn back into their ghoul form. "Well umm you see mary I need the bird" said the multi ghoul. "Why it looks harmless" as i pick the bird up and petting it. As i'm petting the bird the angry fire ghoul launches at me and take the bird. "DEW STOP YOURE HURT IT" as i quickly getting up trying get the bird back.

Y/n Pov
As I'm sitting in mary's lap one of them jumps and takes me from her hands. He is squeezing me kinda hard making me want to pass out. I decided to just turn back so I wouldn't, as i'm turning back I fall into the grown with the ghoul as well. I quickly get up and hid behind mary, using her as a shield. "What the actual fuck" said mary very confused. "way to go dew" said the other. "Rain can you get her" "no please just leave me alone" I say in a panic grabbing mary's arm. "You three stop it right now" mary said in a demanding voice the three listen to her.

After a while mary walked me back into town. The whole walk back I was glued to her arm, without saying a word to each other. Once we got the outer line of the town i turned back into a bird and flew taking a long way back home.

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