Chapter 7

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Watching as y/n flew away a smile couldn't help but grow on rains face. "Wow there I thought I was the smiley ghoul here" Swiss said teasing Rain giving him a light push. They walked back inside with the others. As they all talked and played card games till the rest of the day.

While Rain walked back to his room he couldn't help but think of y/n. Satan was she beautiful. Walking into his room taking his face mask off, placing it on the night stand. He wondered if he should visit her in the morning. He laid on his bed thinking of her, how beautiful she looked the way she talked she almost seemed perfect. He fell asleep thinking of her and how she would look so beautiful is she was ghoul. He even thought about perfect she would look right next to him in his bed.

Rain woke up early the next day. He quickly got changed and quietly walked passed the other ghouls room not wanting to wake them up. Heading to the kitchen and just grabbing a quick breakfast before secretly leaving the minestry. He turned into a raven flying to Mary's place hoping y/n would be there by now. Arriving to the house didn't see her. He thought maybe she started her day a bit later. So he stayed around Mary's place waiting to just even get a glimpse of y/n. But the whole day passed and they only ones he saw was just Mary and swiss hanging with her but no y/n. But he did over hear Swiss asking her if she had seen him. Rain had forgotten that he basically been 'missing' all day so he decided to back.

Once he got back Sunshine was the first to see him and she jumped from happines yelling out his name. The others heard and ran to the livingroom to see him. Sodo walked up to him grabbing him by the shoulder shaking him "Where were you idiot!?" he asked. Mountion went and grabbed the small ghoul and pulled him off of Rain. "Just went out for a while" He said nervously. "Rain you've been gone all day what do you mean 'a while'?!" Sodo yelled out as Mountain held him back.

Rain just shrugged it off as he patted sodo's head. "Sodo please i'm fine everything is fine" He said as he walked off heading towards his room as the other watched him leave. Everyone looked at one another with worry they have never seen Rain act so weird before.

I'm sorry I didn't update sooner I got busy with school and I won't be posting for a while again. A family member of mine recently passed away so i'll be taking a break away from this and my other stories. Love y'all have a great day❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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