Chapter 7 - Power

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Zombie hovered in the air and rushed at Jr, throwing a fist in the air

Jr hovered and rushed at Zombie and threw a fist that collided with Zombies

The collision caused a shockwave that sent everything around flying

Zombie tackled Jr in the air and knocked him into the wall

"UFH" Jr grunted as he pushed Zombie off of him and pushed himself off the wall, delivering a punch to Zombies face

Zombie staggered back into the air and focused his energy, his pink and red firey aura intensified

Jr dropped back to the ground and stared sadly at his former friend

Zombie dropped down and pounded the ground, he then rushed at Jr and fired a fire beam at him

Jr leaped off the ground and over the beam, he cupped his hands together and fired an electric beam at Zombie

Zombie was quick to react and fired his fire beam at Jr's electric beam

The struggle was so intense it shook the entire underground laboratory

"GrrrRRRR!!" Jr struggled to push Zombies fire blast back

"Face it, your friend is long gone! Hes mine now!" The beam struggle was going in Zombies favor

"No hes NOT!!" Jr yelled out as he pushed harder "GGGGGRRRRAAAAHHHH!" He yelled as he put more force into his electrical blast, the beam struggle was going in his favor now

"What are you trying to achieve here Jr? If i leave his body then he will die! And if you kill me, HE DIES! ALL of your adventures only for him to die by YOUR hands!" Zombies aura of fire flowed into the blast and it gained immense size, it started to overpower Jr's electricity

"Shut up! Im going to make you PAY for taking over my friend!" Jr screamed back

The room shook intensely as Jr started to yell even louder as he continued firing his electric blast

Suddenly, the element 203 samples that once layed contained in the display drew themselves to Jr's back, they channeled themselves into him as he absorbed their power, all sound coming from Jr ceased

His eye pupils disappeared and they glowed a light blue with electricity, his aura began to heat up with lightning as he overpowered Zombies blast and yelled with all his might with no sound

"What the?.." Namasu thought to himself, wondering what this strange new transformation was

Finally the sound came into the room as Jr stretched his arms back and shot them forward harshly.. sending a huge blast of electrical energy that rivaled Zombies fire blast.. "RRRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The sound of his yelling shook the entire laboratory

"IF HES GONNA DIE ANYWAY THEN ILL MAKE SURE I TAKE YOU WITH HIM!!" Jr yelled as he continued to push the blast

It started to overpower Zombies blast when Jr saw something pink fly out of him, Zombie coughed up blood and immediately depowered into his normal form

Jr outsped his own eletrical blast to rush down and push Zombie out of the way before it hit him

The blast barely missed the duo and headed straight for the wall, Jr braced for impact as a massive light blue explosion engulfed the laboratory

Everything flashed white with light

Jr woke up with a couple of electrical burn marks on him, he stood up painfully in a crater from the explosion and saw his friend laying face down on the ground

Jr rushed over and shook him, "Zombie?? You alright?" He flipped him over, he was still breathing, but very fatigued

Suddenly Agent 1 came rushing in with a small injector looking gun, he drove it into Zombies arm and pushed the light blue liquid inside

"Its element 203" Agent 1 told Jr "Watch this.."

Jr looked down as Zombies body started glowing, then he opened his eyes and was awake

"Zombie? You alright? Are" Jr asked cautiously

"Yeah.. what happened..?" Zombie looked around, confused as to where he was

Kill walked back into the room from the explosion in the wall and walked over to the group

"Ill admit i saw the whole thing" Kill told Jr, "Ive never seen someone so willing to kill a best friend in order to achieve victory.. an honarable quality" Kill said respectfully to Jr

"I was actually bluffing.. I knew he wouldnt die, dont ask me how" Jr looked over at Zombie who was looking at his with the most confused expression in the  world

Agent 1 stood up, "Mind control" He told Zombie, "You were mind controlled but we saved you"

"Jr.. did I just try to kill you?" Zombie asked with a saddened expression on his face

"Yes you did.." Jr looked down, "But I nearly did too.. If i hadnt pushed you out of the way in time.."  Jr looked up again and decided not to think about it

Zombie looked down and laughed, "Guess we're even" He laughed

Jr couldnt help but smile too, although it was short lived as Agent 1 stared at the hologram video that was recording the whole fight

"Jr.." Agent 1 turned around, "Did you absorb those 3 samples?"

"I think so.. Why?" Jr looked over at the Agent

"I think youve just unlocked Grade 2" Agent 1 said

End Of Chapter 7

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