Chapter 10: Deceit

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At The Pantheon..

"The reason I pushed you through was to make understanding easier." Agent 1 said to Jr

"Understanding what exactly..?" Jr looked at him as they walked through the halls of the pantheon

Agent 1 stopped walking and looked at Jr. "They lied to you.. time isnt really frozen on earth.."

"WHAT..?!" Jr grabbed Agent 1's shoulders and looked at him in dismay

Back on earth..

"Come on Kill we gotta GO!" Zombie grabbed Kills arm and pulled him, the man didnt even move

"I will not run away from an opponent, FACE ME NAMASU!" Kill raised a fist as the energy around it glowed dark with power

Namasu continued charging the pink ball of light, it glowed intensely and grew to the size of an asteroid

"KILL! If were gonna fight we need to stop him NOW! That energy isnt getting smaller!" Zombie yelled out

"Fine by me!" Kill bent his knees and leaped at Namasu, raising a fist in the air as Zombie did the same, with a flame in his fist

"This planet is DONE! Ive killed everyone i wanted to on it.. now its useless to me."

"NAMASUUUU!" Kill yelled out as he threw his fist at Namasu's face

But he wasnt there

Kill and Zombie hovered in the air, confused. When suddenly they looked up

Namasu teleported into space

"All this planet does is remind me of what was taken from me." Namasu whispered to himself, he held the energy ball in his other hand as he looked down at a small black cloth bandana in his hand

"You could've stopped this, Hutzo" Namasu said as he held the energy ball infront of him, and with both hands, shot it at the earth

Kill and Zombie looked at the approaching ball in the sky, it lit up the skies with a red ominous haze, the whole earth shook as it approached rapidly

"KILL! We need to stop that thing! Otherwise the planet is doomed!!" Zombie yelled out as the energy ball entered the atmosphere, a huge gust of wind followed as the star sized ball hurtled towards the planet

"Fire your own power into it! We need to knock it away!" Kill said as he took a step forward, cracking the concrete under him and closing his fist, charging up all the dark energy he has left, it glowed and hummed ominously, distorting the light around it

"Got it!" Zombie stretched his arms forward and cupped his hands together and channeled his fire power into a single point, creating a super dense energy ball of green fire energy

"Ready when you are Kill!" He said as he crouched slightly and held the fireball in his hands, ready to fire

"FIRE ON 3!" Kill shouted


The pink ball of energy hurtled through the upper atmosphere


The pink energy ball drew closer, resembling super heated plasma, you could feel its warmth getting more and more intense


The plasma ball broke past the clouds, it was closer then ever

Its all or nothing

"RAHHHHHH!!!" Kill jumped in the air and threw his fist, sending a massive dark blast through the air at the ball of energy; as Zombie bent his knees slightly and fired a beam of spirealing lime green flame at the pink energy ball

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