Chapter 8 - Betrayal

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Agent 1 stared intensely at the holographic monitor, heartbeat sensors beeping and brain activity scans racing across the screen.

Jr layed on the hospital bed, feeling fine but confused why Agent 1 was so worried about what had happened.

Kill and Zombie stand by the side of the bed, clearly just as confused and worried as Jr was

"So what was this grade 2 you were talking about?" Jr looks over worringly

Agent 1 didnt answer for a moment, he was deep in thought. Eventually he turned around and spoke

"You absorbed all 3 element 203 samples, that much power could kill you.. your body just isnt meant to take in that much" Agent 1 turned back around and continued monitoring Jr's vitals

"I dont feel any different-.." Jr said when suddenly the heartbeat monitor started beeping intensely

Agent 1 looked at the heartbeat monitor and back at Jr, he was writhing in pain

"gg..GGRRAAHH!!" Jr yelled out as electricity and beams of electricity danced around him, you could hear the sound of static as he yelled

"Is he okay??" Zombie yelled out from all the noise

"Whats wrong with him?" Kill asked Agent 1

"GGGRRR..AHHHHH!!!" Jr yelled out as more massive amounts of electricity flowed through his body.

Agent 1 waved a hand and a medical kit came up from the floor next to Jr's bed, Agent 1 took out a vacuum looking gun and shouted

"Get out of here! I need to focus if i wanna save his life!" Agent 1 yelled at Zombie and Kill

Zombie and Kill didnt hesitate and ran out of the room, doing what Agent 1 ordered, all they could do is wait



A few minutes go by and Jr awakens, dazed but not feeling any pain anymore, he gets up and looks at Agent 1

Zombie and Kill proceed to walk into the room, they were watching from the window

"What happened? .. Wasnt i being..electrocuted..?" Jr asked curiously

"I planned for this Jr, that armor you're wearing? It saved your life" Agent 1 looked down at Jr

Jr looked down at what he was wearing, he wore black body armor that resembled a bulletproof vest with a dark blue glowing trim around it, along with 2 tech looking gaunlets with the same color scheme along with a screen on one of them, and his usual dark combat jeans and black shirt

Zombies eyes widened, "Um.. Jr? Whered this come from?" He looked at Jr with a confused expression

Kill was confused as well, "Is Jr okay? Why is he wearing battle armor?" Kill asked the Agent

Agent 1 explained further, "The armor he is wearing i designed for them both, it takes in their energy and uses it for power, I thought if i put it on him it would lessen the toll on his body, and it did" Agent 1 gave a reassuring smirk at Jr

Zombie looked over at the armor and picked up Jrs arm. "This looks sick! What can it do?" Zombie asked Agent 1

Agent 1 replied. "All sorts of things, weapons, healing, shields, you name it" he said

"Is there a downside? This suit seems to be the only thing keeping him alive. Correct?" Kill looked over at Agent 1

"Yes.. thats the kicker." Agent 1 looked down. "If the armor was to break or malfunction, i believe the power would resurge into Jr all at once, and it would most likely kill him" Agent 1 looked up at Jr, "Keep yourself safe Jr" He patted his shoulder

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