Chapter 8: Simulacrum Strikes

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Marinette POV

"Ok. I'll let Mayor Andre know." The nurse said after I told her about the incident.

After she left, Akio sat next to me while Tikki hugged my cheek in comfort. A well of emotions filled up inside me. Rage, hatred, guilt and embarrassment. All emotions describing how foolish I was to fall in love with Adrien.

"How did I fall for that spineless sap?" I muttered.

"I should've went with you. Had I known that Adrien would do something like that, I would've stopped him." Akio said remorsefully.

I took his hands in mine, entwining my fingers into his.

"How could you've known that Adrien was about to have his way with me? It's not your fault. You did what you could." I said.

"I know. But, it doesn't make it any easier." Akio said bitterly.

Plagg exited the waist bag that I made for him and flew to his cheek, nuzzling him in a comforting way, which is rare for Plagg to do because he doesn't do this to Adrien or to any of his previous holders.

"Kid, you save Marinette from Adrien. That's more than enough. If you and the others hadn't followed him, it could've ended badly." The black cat kwami said.

Akio smiled and petted Plagg.

"Thanks, Plagg. That means a lot to me." He said.

Suddenly, we heard the nurse scream in horror outside and darted out of the office, only to see a boy in a black and grey jumpsuit with a blue scarf and a moonstone stud on my ear. his skin is pale and my eyes turned green with his face covered in a white mask. The nurse was clutching her arm in pain as the akuma saw us and smiled.

"Hello, Marinette." He said.

"A-Adrien?" I gasped.

"It's Simulacrum now." Adrien replied.

"What the hell did you do, Agreste!?" Akio demanded.

"I made a deal with Hawkmoth and now, I have the power to make Marinette mine. But first." He summoned a sword. "I have some unfinished business to attend to. Meaning, you." 

He darted towards Akio and jabbed him with his sword while Akio side stepped and struck him in the head with a fire extinguisher, stunning him. We quickly raced down the hallway and went into an empty classroom to hide.

"That happened." Akio panted.

"I bet Gabriel would be livid if he found out his son got akumatized." I said.

"Guess we do have to save him. Figures." Akio sighed.

After we swapped into our alter egos, we went to go and find Simulacrum and saw him hurling swords at students and teachers alike. Kuro threw a shuriken at him, but he deflected it with ease.

"It's good you two showed up. I think it's high time I get my revenge on you two for taking away my miraculous." Simulacrum growled as he summoned two sword in each hand.

"Over our dead body!" I shouted as I pulled out my yo-yo while Kuro unsheathed his tonfas.

"That's the idea." He said as he darted towards us, swiping his swords with deadly proficiency.

Kuro parried another sword strike and swung his tonfa at Simulacrum, only for him to block the attack and jab his sword at him. As he dodged the blade, I ensnared my yo-yo around his arm and pulled the sword from his hand. He used the other sword to jab it at me, but Kuro intercepted and struck his tonfa at his torso and knocked him back. Simulacrum summoned more swords and launched them at us, forcing us back. One managed to cut my leg and forced me to kneel. Simulacrum launched more swords at me, but Kuro deflected them with his tonfas at a furious speed. He hurled his grappling hook at a sprinkler and pulled it down towards him, stunning the akuma.

"We need to lure him away from the school!" Kuro called.

"The rooftops. Let's go!" I replied as we darted out of the school and ascended to the rooftops with Simulacrum hot on our heels. 

The chase continued onwards until Simulacrum hurled a sword at me, but Kuro tackled me out of the way. The sword grazed his arm as we landed on the ground. Kuro pulled out another shuriken and hurled it at Simulacrum, cracking his mask. He glared at us with murderous intent.

"Watashitachi wa kare o okora seta to omou [I think we pissed him off.]" Kuro said as we got up.

"Junbi suru [Get ready]." I replied as we brandished our weapons.

We traded blows with each other as the fight continued, parrying and dodging each other's strikes. I flipped backwards and hurled my yo-yo at Simulacrum, only for him to dodge at the last second and grab the yo-yo. He pulled me towards him and threw me onto the ground back first.

"Now, to claim my prize." He said as he pulled off one of my earrings. Before he could take the other earring, Kuro pushed him back with a flying knee.

As I slowly went into my civilian form, the two were sparing with each other while I went to find my other earring. As soon as I found it and put it on, I heard Kuro cry out in pain as Simulacrum slashed his torso and used the other sword to slash the side of his neck, leaving behind a long, bloody gash. Simulacrum reached for his ring, but I forced him back with my yo-yo.

"Kuro!" I called as he clutched his bleeding neck. The wound wasn't too deep, but it was enough to cut an artery. 

Simulacrum laughed as Kuro tried to get up.

"How pathetic. You might as well give up while you have the chance." He taunted.

"Not going to happen." Kuro panted as he clutched his wounded neck.

"Your funeral." He said as he jabbed his sword at Kuro.

I quickly intercepted and blocked the sword with my yo-yo, but Simulacrum summoned another sword and slashed my stomach, forcing me back. He kicked Kuro away from him and pointed his sword at my earrings. Just as he was about to finish me off, Kuro struck him with his tonfas and forced him back. Simulacrum blocked another tonfa strike and stabbed him in the stomach.

"NO!" I cried.

Kuro coughed up some blood as he fell onto his knees. Simulacrum kicked him in the back of the head and sent him plummeting downwards into the alleyway. Simulacrum punched me in the jaw and grabbed me by the throat.

"All I wanted was Marinette to be with me. Now, I can make it happen." He said as he reached for my earrings. 

Suddenly, a jet of flames separated us from each other and I saw Ryuko, Carapace and Bunnix. Carapace threw his shield at Simulacrum, forcing him back.

"We'll have to retreat for now." Bunnix said while she helped me up.

"What about Kuro!?" I called.

"He's with Master Fu. Come on, we gotta go!" Carapace replied.

I looked back at Simulacrum before following the others.  

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