The end of it all

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Authors Pov

Weeks had gone by since the day that they found out the police were looking for Noriaki. He had been staying in y/n's home for the time being, he was too scared to go home because he knew his good mother would turn him in to the police, the pressure would be too much for her being bartered by the officers, she couldn't take it and she would definitely expose kakyoin's whereabouts, which was why it was best that Noriaki stayed with y/n.

Hiding away from school, hiding away from everyone, hiding away from life. As he was absent from school, everyone came to forgetting his existence, and stopped talking about him. All but one, y/n his one and only safe haven.

Kakyoin's Pov

I woke up in the middle of the night with tears in my eyes, wait why tears?

I get up out of my bed, no not my bed y/n's bed of course. And head to the living room seeing that y/n isnt in here, and doesn't seem to be in the bathroom either. As im passing through the hallway the air gets more and more heavy, as if i was carrying a tyre in my lungs but it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Ive reached the Living room, i feel along the wall still not familiar with where the light switches were. Once i find them i turn them on, my eyes get even wetter and my vision begins to burn. "What the hell is going on?"

I rub my eyes and begin to gather my bearings, but before i can gain sight of anything im pushed down onto the floor. "You are under arrest on suspicion of murder." I hear an unfamiliar voice say, so this is finally it? the day i finally lose y/n? I dont resist, i let them drag me across the cold wooden floor. They must have filled the house with tear gas, no wonder i couldnt see, or breathe.

"NORIAKI, NORIAKI, NORIAKI!" i hear a now familiar voice altered by tears, I see a blurry vision of y/n. It could have been anyone, but i know that voice all too well and his exact figure, i have been deaf and blind and still know my way around y/n.

Last thing i remember is being thrown into the back of a van, my hands cuffed together behind my back. And sat in a very awkward and uncomfortable position, and now fate has me waking up in a cold room. A very desolate room, all there was were a table, 2 chairs and a large blank window built into the wall. So i must be being questioned, yes, perhaps i can corroborate my innocence.

"Good morning Kakyoin, What were you doing on the night that Parker (lastname) was murdered?" The officer asked, pushing a plastic cup of water towards me, i knew better than to touch it. "I had gone shopping with my friend." I politely respond, still half dazed. He stares at me with a disbelieving expression, Is this guy stupid? im not lying. "Y/n? i assume seeing as you were hiding in his home." he scoffs, how dare he "I promise i wasn't hiding, i had wanted to get away from home for a while" I pleaded.

After countless of questions of who i was, where i was, what i am he finally asked a relevant question, i was dying to answer to get this done and over with. "Why had you attacked parker that night?" He asked almost violently, this officer was seriously getting on my nerves.

"I didnt attack him, i was defending myself." I state, returning a cold expression the the officer, he stares with a blank expression. Seeing hes not firing back with another question i decide to talk and give him all the answers he needed. "When i was alone Parker attacked me, in which i defended myself, I promise i didnt mean to kill him." I assert. "So you admit to killing him?"

"No sir-" what am i saying? i did kill him didnt i? but it just isnt like that at all "Yes, i did but all i wanted to do was protect myself, but i took it too far." The officer's expression finally changed from a look of pure disgust to a sorry one. He wrote in his notepad, i didnt dare look. "I understand Kakyoin-kun, but you still ended his life in which you must face consequence" I couldnt take it anymore, i just broke down and began to cry in front of the officer. How embarrassing, i couldnt bare the thought of being taken away from y/n, away from his embrace and into a harsh cold cell. Y/n was the only one to ever understand me, and now all that understanding is being taken from me, just as my earlier life before i met him.

Y/n's pov

I stood outside my house shivering in the cold, as the police searched my house. This just isnt fair. My phone begins to ring, I look at the contact for it to be my mum. I answer readying myself to be yelled at, i shouldn't have brought this upon her.

" I dont know whats gone on but you better explain." she hisses down at the phone. "I leave you for one night, and i find out my house is being searched and smells like shit (due to tear gas). I tremble from the tone, I dont even know what to say to her, its been so long since my mum has spoken to me like that. "WELL ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" i cant answer. All i can do is cry, cry my heart out. Theres nothing left for me now that Noriaki's gone.

"I promise ill explain everything later, you just have to trust me." I abruptly end the call, and began running into a random direction, leaving the scene ,and the red and blue flashing lights.

A/n: so i tried to change my writing style a bit, i hope yall like it because i dont.

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