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y/n's pov

I enter the milkshake bar and point to gun towards the frenchman, "GET DOWN OR IMA SHOOT UR ASS TO PIECES LIKE A JIGSAW!"

"SILVER CHARIOT." he yells, a metal like figure holding a long thin sword appears at his side, well i certainly didnt expect that. "what the shitting hell is that!?" i back away from the counter the toilet brush man was now standing on "BEHOLD MY STAND, SILVER CHARIOT." he proudly states

(Sexy ass metal man )

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(Sexy ass metal man )

I see, so there's another stand user in this town, Jesus christ how many are there?! "NOW YOU ARE HEREBY SENTENCED TO DEATH!" The chariot lunges towards me, I hardly manage to escape in time but before he could take my neck off, i had used The world to stop time. Its probably better to make peace with this floured baguette as i dont know his strengths, and weather or not ill live through this fight to see noriaki's face again.

I quickly move out the way as time resumes, sending silver chariot's sword straight through the window. "Awh man, now i gotta pay for a new window THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" he barks at me, is this guy mad? i just threatened him with a gun and hes more bothered about his window then protecting himself. I reveal my stand to him, summoning the world at my hip to show im no threat, he clearly didnt get the message.

"SO ANOTHER STAND USER YOU ARE? ILL MAKE SURE YOU PAY FOR THAT WINDOW, WITH YOUR LIFE." He retrieves his sword and takes another swing at me, which i easily dodged. This guy sucks "Listen i dont want to hurt you, i just wanna get arrested okay?" I plead, the toilet brush responds with an "eh?" and presents a dumb face to me.

"Oh god how am i supposed to explain this." I mentally slap myself, maybe it would have been better just to kill him thefore i wouldnt need to run into a situation like this, but i promised myself i wouldnt end life in my mission to get to jail. "Well, uhm, well, uhm, i need to go to jail, to be with someone, so uh, yeah." I awkwardly admit. He just continues to submit to a dumb confused look. I think i want to shoot myself , COME ON FRENCH BLOKE JUST GET THE JIST OF MY SITUATION. "Ahh, aight then lemme just call up the cops, you lay on the floor and look all beat up, would u like a milkshake before they take u away?" He politely asks, already whipping up a strawberry milkshake while on the phone to the police. "Yes ,id like that." i plop myself on the floor defeated by stupidity.

Time skip brought to you by the lord and saviour Rohan Kishibe

I was surprised by how chill the frenchman was, while waiting for the police we had a nice conversation ,and i found out his name was Jean Pierre Polnareff and hes currently broke and living in a 1 bedroom apartment with his dog Iggy, who he proclaims to have been molested by. I highly doubt any human nor dog would dare be any closer then 3 meters from that specimen. I can hear the sirens outside the shop, luckily Polnareff managed to bruise me up a bit so it seems i failed in my attempt of "threatening + robbery" him. Not so sure if pol made it believable that he was being threatened before he made that call to the police, with his unbothered tone and the fact you could hear him blending strawberries in the background. "Ill tell them the blender exploded." The toilet brush winks, its almost as if he was reading my thoughts. He then proceeds to throw the empty blender across the room, french people are scary.

Authors pov

And so as was planned, y/n was arrested for threats and having a stolen firearm in possession. In regards of the kind stand user he came face to face with, he payed for the damages done to the shops windows, even though it was entirely not his fault, despite what Polnareff Claims.

Police were suspicious. That the same day Noriaki Kakyoin was arrested for murder, y/n who had let him stay at his home, had committed a crime the same day, going to prison of course. He was interrogated by the police and he denied his reason for crime being linked to Noriaki, even though nobody believe that shitting lie, But weather that be the reason or not y/n still had to face consequences. Both families were obviously devestated knowing their lovely little boys had been sent to prison, ah well tough. Nobody gives a shit.

After paying for polnareff's windows y/n went into jail broke, which is the worst possible thing for a new inmate. He has been sentenced to 10 years, close enough to Noriaki who had been sentenced for 12 years. I suppose its only 2 years without, but those 2 years would without noriaki will swallow y/n up into the void.

But that dreaded time is a a long while away, Y/n threw away his teenage years to stay with Noriaki,  as kakyoin's years of freedom were unfairly stolen from him. Just when Kakyoin though thinks were starting to look up for him, he got his first friend, his first boyfriend, the right track in life only just to be derailed. Hes the real the victim in this situation. He didnt deserve any of this adversity, and y/n saw that this was unjust and devoted his life to sticking with his lover.

A/n: slowly trying to come to the end of this fic i think ive dragged it a bit too long, and have it gone off the rails. But ah well idgaf i had fun writing this, ima try update more its just i got life and that to attend to

shorter chapter today ish? i usually like each chapter to be 1000 words but this one is 900 not including this note as i wanna get the jail n shiz stuff done in another chapter so yall can look forward to it es why ima try do more authors pov so when idk how to reach my word count i can get kinda like a narrator to explain sh so far, idk if yall like that just lmk im tryna test new things out

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