Chapter 1

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I start running as soon as I hear him behind me. I run as fast as I can in human form, but you can't outrun a wolf. So of course I get shoved to the ground.

He surprises me by jumping off of me and bolting in the other direction.

' Bet you can't catch me! ' he teases.

I let out a low growl before shifting into my wolf and bolting after him.

Let me tell you he is really fast especially since he has alpha blood in him.

' Come on Max you seem slower than usual today! ' Jace says.

After he says that I squint my eyes as a burst of speed comes over me and I catch up to him.

I'm about four feet behind him when he stops. I ram into him and we tumble down the hill.

He lands on top of me and looks down at me panting.

I look up at him and give him a smirk. Then I shove him off and we head behind trees to shift back and get dressed.

When I come back around from the tree Jace was already finished and leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.

I walk over to him with a smirk on my face, well the best I can do in my wolf form.

"I caught you." I smiled cheekily

Jace narrowed his eyes "Let's just go."

I playfully pushed him "Don't be such a sore loser we both know I am better than you."

He glared at me and i laughed "Just kidding."

He swung his arm over my shoulders and I smiled and leaned into him as we began walking back to the pack house for the ceremony.


Today is the day that Jace will become Alpha. He turned 18 a few weeks ago yet he hasn't found his mate yet. I was dissapointed when it wasn't me.

I haven't turned eighteen yet but since he is I would know if he was my mate.

We reached the pack house and Jace gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving to get ready. I headed off to my room to take a quick shower.

I stepped out of the shower and blow dryed my hair before straightening it. I don't like to use a lot of make up so I put on a light layer of foundation and powder before I put on some mascara and did a smoky eye.

I headed to my closet and pulled on a neutral color sundress and matching flats.

I grabbed my purse and phone and headed out to where the ceremony would take place.

I was sad because Jace would find his mate tonight since all the pack members will be at the ceremony. When I'm almost there I stop and take a deep breath before putting on a smile and heading off to find a seat next to best friend Kat.

Kat is short for Katherine and me and her have been best friends for as long as I can remember. She hasn't found her mate yet either and I hope that we get to be in the same pack.

Cuase if we didn't that would really suck. I hear the current Alpha call everyone to attention. And me and Kat stop our conversation to look up at him.

I see Jace come up and look at me I give him an encouraging smile before he turns to his father to begin the official Alpha ceremony.

The pack is silent as the Alpha starts his speech about how he has enjoyed being alpha and crap. Then Jace shares his speech about how he promises to protect us and will be as fair as possible.

We all clap and the Alpha takes the ritual knife and cuts his hand, then lets it bleed into a bowl of water. Jace does the same thing and shifts into his wolf as the water is poured over his back.

Jace lets out a long howl as he becomes the new alpha and we all let our wolves howl back to him. After the ceremony me and Kat go and congratulate him.

Jace smiles " You guys should try and say a speech in front of the whole pack without saying something wrong."

He suddenly stops talking and starts smelling the air. He isn't smiling so I'm curious of what he smells. His eyes darken and he opens his mouth to say something but he cuts off by a pack member screaming.



P.S. The pic is of Jaces wolf.

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