• 17 •

10 1 7

To get back to Stark’s building I have to fly in the helicopter again, which was not enjoyable but I managed. Stark stays in his office, finishing up some things, and Parker accompanies me down to the street level.

“Do you want a taxi home?” I ask, glancing around at all the activity, a startling contrast to the quiet at the Avengers’ headquarters.

“Oh, no, no. It’s fine… I’ll manage,” Parker says, seeming a bit embarrassed.

I give him a skeptical look. “I’m gonna get you a taxi,” I state, already flagging one down.

“You really don’t…” he trails off as the cab pulls up against the curb.

“Here,” I say, pulling my wallet out and holding out two twenties.

His eyes go wide. “You don’t have to,” he says, his expression comically surprised.

“Take the money before I shove you into the taxi,” I threaten lightly.

He glances up at me, his gaze quizzical before hesitantly taking the bills. “Thank you. A lot. For… everything,” he murmurs.

“No problem, Parker,” I respond, the smallest of smiles pulling up one side of my mouth. “Hopefully I’ll be seeing you around.”

“Most likely. Mr. Stark seems to always need me for something,” Parker says, smiling. He steps toward the taxi but turns before he enters. “Thank you,” he says again.

“Stay safe, Parker,” I murmur, giving him a small wave. He returns it before getting into the taxi which quickly turns back into the line of traffic.

I look around again, thinking about my next course of action. After a few minutes of standing silently, surrounded by the near-deafening sounds of traffic, both vehicle and human, I start walking in the general direction of the safe house.

I’m not sure exactly how, but I manage to retrace my steps back to the safe house without the assistance of a GPS. I pull out the key and unlock the door, stepping inside.

Everything is exactly how I had left it and I quickly go around, grabbing all my things. After that, I grab a taxi to the mall. I have to stand in front of the map of the mall for a few minutes, squinting at it. I groan quietly, realizing I’ve had my contacts in for over a day now.

I quickly find a single-stall bathroom and remove my contacts. To make matters worse I find that I’ve forgotten the rest of my contact lenses somewhere. Could this day be any more aggravating?! I rifle through my backpack before pulling out my glasses case and extracting my glasses from them, checking that the lenses are clean enough before putting them on.

 Could this day be any more aggravating?! I rifle through my backpack before pulling out my glasses case and extracting my glasses from them, checking that the lenses are clean enough before putting them on

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(Her glasses. If that wasn't apparent enough)

With a defeated sigh I walk back out and return to the map, locating the store I want. I get a new phone and fiddle around it for a few minutes, relieved when I can transfer the stuff on my old one to this one. I do some quick clothing shopping before returning to Stark’s building. By the time I step out of the cab, the street lights have begun to glow as the sun sets.

As I walk inside one of the women at the desk stands and opens her mouth to say something before the woman beside her quickly pulls her back into her seat, shaking her head rapidly with wide eyes.

I make my way to Stark’s office and don’t bother knocking before pushing the doors open. He jumps slightly, dropping the pen he’s holding. “You could have at least knocked,” he grumbles, picking the pen up again. He quickly writes something down before standing. “I’m assuming you’ve gotten everything,” he says, sounding uninterested.

“Yes,” I mutter. He walks past me and I follow after him.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses,” he comments, giving me a slightly surprised look.

“I didn’t remember asking,” I snap back, clenching my jaw. Reese. Take a chill pill.

I get light-headed from the helicopter ride again and nearly collapse when we land, trying to take some controlled breaths. “I think I’ve had my fill of helicopters for a while,” I mumble, placing a hand gingerly on my head.

I follow after Stark toward the warmly-lit Avengers’ headquarters, staring in renewed wonder at the building. “Your mouth is open,” Stark comments smugly.

I snap my mouth shut, shooting him a quick glare before looking back at the mansion. Small lights lead up the steps to the front door and as I enter through the doors I stare in awe at the pleasant light throughout the entry and living room. “It’s so pretty,” I murmur, more to myself, looking around again, but this time with a new-found admiration for the building.

“You’re finally back.” I look in the direction of the voice to find Rogers walking toward me from the living room, his face alight with a happy smile. I. Will. Not. Fall. For. This. Man. I think sharply to myself, struggling to resist the urge to smile in turn. He’s far too charismatic and charming for his own good.

My eyes narrow slightly at the genuinely happy look on his face. “Why are you so happy about me being here?” I ask, glancing at where I thought Stark was only to find he’s no longer anywhere in sight.

Rogers gives me a contemplative look. “I’m not sure.” He reaches for the shopping bags I’m holding and I, though very surprised by the gesture, let him take them. “It just seems right,” he says finally.

“Because you’re helping someone you think needs help?” I ask, being very careful to keep an accusing tone from my voice.

“Maybe,” he admits. “Let me show you to your room,” he says, turning around. I step down into the living room and I’m finally able to see just how big everything is.


Sorry the end is a bit abrupt. I'll post the next chapter soon!

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