"I love you!"

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Them saying "I love you!" in their native languages (and in their own, cute way) to you because I have nothing else in this tiny brain of mine. (T⌓T) #SendHelp


"Ich weiß, dass ich es nicht oft sage. Ich weiß, dass du nicht für immer hier sein wirst, damit ich es dir sagen kann. Ich weiß, dass du dich jederzeit von dieser Welt trennen könntest, ich wäre nie mehr dieselbe, wenn ich wüsste, dass ich dir nicht sagen könnte, was ich dir sagen möchte. Ich möchte, dass du weißt, dass egal was zwischen uns kommt, egal wie ich mein Leben ohne dich leben muss, ich dich immer, immer mehr lieben werde, als du jemals wissen wirst."

In English: "I know that I don't say it a lot. I know that you won't be here forever for me to tell you. I know that you could part ways with this world at any point, I'd never be the same if know that I didn't get to tell you what I want to tell you. I want you to know that no matter what comes between us, no matter how I'll have to live my life without you, I will always, always love you more than you'll ever know."


So che ti dico "ti amo!" tutto il tempo. Sei la cosa migliore del mondo (a parte la pasta e tutte le altre cose che amo davvero) e sarei davvero triste se ti succedesse qualcosa di brutto. Voglio che l'ultima cosa che ti dico sia "ti amo!" così sai anche nei momenti più bui della tua vita o sul letto di morte, che ti amerò sempre finché vivrò. Non ti dimenticherò mai, anche quando non ci sarai più. Ti voglio tanto bene e non te lo dimentichi mai!

In English: "I know that I tell you "I love you!" all the time. You're the best thing in the world (aside from pasta and all the other things that I really love) and I'd be really sad if something bad happened to you. I want the last thing I ever say to you to be "I love you!" so that way, you know even in the darkest times of your life or on your deathbed, that I will always love you for as long as I live. I will never forget you, even when you're not here anymore. I love you so much and don't you ever forget it!"


私があなたを愛していることをあまりあなたに見せないという事実にもかかわらず、私は本当にあなたを愛しています. 私は人に触れられるのが好きではないので、あなたを抱きしめたり抱きしめたりしないことを知っていますが、私が時々あなたに手を握らせ、他の誰も手を握らせない理由は、私があなたを他の誰よりも信頼し、愛しているからです. 私もあなたを愛しているとは言いませんが、愛しています。 私は本当にあなたを愛しています。

In English: "Despite the fact that I don't show you that I love you very often, I really do love you. I know that I don't hug or cuddle you because I don't like being touched by people, but the reason why I only ever let you hold my hand sometimes and nobody else is because I trust and love you like nobody else. I don't tell you that I l love you either, but I do. I really do love you."

*I made use of Google translate. Please let me know if any of these are wrong! I will fix them asap if so. Thank you for reading and I'll see you (and the Axis Powers) soon!

Don't forget that I love you too and that you can message me at anytime! Privately and publicly, either one works for me. The Axis Powers and I love you and can't wait to see you next week!



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