Chapter 57

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                   .   Lan's POV

Being friends with Damon has cost me my own friend. Pearl hardly speaks to me. Just a few hellos and byes.

But on the other end Damon has been great. He has been more open with me, dropping in at times to check up on me or calling on the phone. We have grown closer.

Would it be weird if I say I enjoy his company? Our project was a success and our history teacher even gave us a plus for effort.

Although I didn't get the A I wanted, I can make due with a B+.

I laid down on my bed immersing myself in the Damon thought when my phone rang on my bedside table.

The number was foreign making me crease my brows.

I picked the call clutching the phone to my ear.


The person cut me off seeming in a rush to speak.

"Hello Lan? It's me Mrs Quinn! I need your help dear" She said breathing hard over the phone.

"Mrs Quinn? Is something wrong?"

I heard a crashing sound making me sit up.

"What was that? Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I am fine dear. It's Mark. He--he hasn't been himself. He needs you Lan. Please can you come over to speak to him. I'm sure he'd like that alot" She said.

I bite my lips not knowing what to say. I don't think Mark would like to see me or maybe I'm too scared to face him.

"I don't think he---"

"You owe him this Lan!" She said her voice holding much anger.

My mouth shut. I was dumbfounded by her reaction.

"I'm so sorry dear..I just need your help. He needs you. Why didn't you call him at least once? So many days has passed since that incident" She sighed sounding helpless.

My heart panged with guilt. She was right, I owe him this.

"I will be on my way" I replied.

"Thank you so much dear." She said ending the call.

Once the call was over, a sigh escaped my lips. I was feeling anxious and worried at the same time.

I hope he hasn't hurt himself. If not I will never be able to forgive myself.

I forced my body out of bed and changed my clothes running down stairs. I spotted my mom walking towards the kitchen a cup in her hand.

"Mom" I called out to her walking towards her.

She turned back to stare at me taking a sip out of her cup.

"Yes baby?"

"I need to go out. Mark's mom called, I think something happened" I explained the situation to her.

She nodded patting my head.

"It's okay dear. Go see him" She said a small smile on her lips.

My mom already knew about the Mark and Me saga but not how involved Damon was in the whole matter or the fact that her little baby had his first sexual experience with someone other than his boyfriend.

"Thank you Ma" I kissed her cheeks and ran out of the front door.

I hauled a taxi which took me to Mark's house driving into the private unit.

"Thank you" I paid the driver off. He tipped his cap at me and drove off.

I stood on the lawn nervous. My palms were sweaty.

On My Bed (B×B)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now