Chapter 17: Bridges burned

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A/N: I hope you all had a lovely christmas if you celebrate and have a great new year! I don't hold responsibility over your feelings for this chapter though... :)

Your eyes widened down at your phone in confusion. Maybe it was just the signal right? She wouldn't.. she couldn't have?

No, you were just being paranoid. Lizzie wouldn't ever do that to you. She was a kind-hearted soul who literally squealed snowman songs like a child and you adored her for it.

Still, you couldn't help the oncoming  feeling of sickness and wave of emotions wash over you. You were certain you could get signal here just a mere few moments ago. Suddenly, your stomach was churning and twisting with anxiety.

You tried to shake it off, so jogged over to Scar, who was now drying Rose off again after splashing about some more in the waves. You had been meaning to join them, but if you were totally honest with yourself you felt a little offside now. It's strange what one thing can do to you.

Perhaps thats the cost of being an over thinker? You weren't exactly sure. It was always the idea of being an over-thinker that only added fuel to the fire. You over thought everything imaginable and this was no exception. Fear of abandonment became you core belief because of events outside of your control when you were just a child. And then just as Alice had once said, there was her.

She had always been your everything, until one day it halted. Sickening feeling of abandonment after it all made you feel sick. Your mother had to comfort you days after. Weeks and months after. Yet it never stopped the on coming storm that it was always your fault for that damned night.

Now your brain, your whole body and mindset was doing it once more. Your leg was bouncing up and down in a consistent pace, bringing back a time where your mother would call you thumper. It was a cute nickname all the same from when your leg bounced and your anxiety began to increase rapidly.

No this was hard though. Your body was overwhelmed, your mind w-

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

You jumped in shock, almost stepping back as Scarlett's voice rang in your ears. Lifting your head up, you now realised she'd moved from the spot you'd originally saw her in and was now stood in front of you. Rose was holding shells next to her.

"Sorry what?"

"You spaced out there a little, you okay?" Her voice was soft and warm, instantly allowing you to crack a genuine smile.

"I'm okay sorry, just a little confused that's all," you stated trying not to give away too much.

However, unfortunately for you Scar wasn't stupid. She could tell something was bothering you, not from just the way you'd spaced out or even from the way you'd bounced your leg up and down. No, she could see it in your eyes, the panic the fear, the utter dread. Abandonment.

"Confused, about what? You can talk to me don't worry," she picked up Rose and you followed her swiftly towards her own car.

Her car was parked just north of the beach and you were grateful she was now wearing a cap and sunglasses. The last thing you needed after an utter anxiety attack was any of the paparazzi coming near you. It would only enhance your fear further, not to mention freak Rose out, she was still a kid after all.

As you approached the car, you grinned realising she was driving her Mercedes-Benz. You remembered reading an article once claiming she owned 5 cars including this one, so it couldn't have been all a lie it appears.

"Well, it's just my messages aren't delivering to Lizzie..." You began speaking and she was adjusting Rose in her car seat.

Scar's head whipped swiftly back to you, her eyebrows raising high and concern was painted all over her face. It's almost like she..

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