Chapter 19: Flaws, Fears, Findings

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"Elizabeth," you tried to be a little softer but you couldn't hold that munch anger in.

"You're here?" She asked tilting her head like a cat, stepping forwards.

"Scar rang, I'm just here to make sure you're okay then I'm on my way."

You hated yourself deep down for being so cold with her. However, you couldn't let her think that with a snap of her hands she'd come running back. She's not actually Wanda Maximoff with fucking mind control.

That being said, sometimes you did wonder whether she secretly was holding back that she'd somehow gained her character's powers. She clearly had some hold over you otherwise you wouldn't be here, you just didn't know what.

Or didn't want to accept, what that very thing she was holding on you was.

"Is.. Well, I- Is that it?" She said it so broken, so damaged you almost reached out.

You stood your ground though, refusing to be a pushover, but by god it was fucking hard. Every fibre of your being wanted to just reached forward and wrap your arms around her. Hold her close and whisper it was okay.

Yet, you couldn't, no wouldn't allow that. You had to have a talk with her but it needed to be a serious and well spoken conversation where both parties are sober. Instead, you were still half intoxicated and she was.. well she was fucking drunk.

"Is what it?" Your tone had softened a notch though, as you fought your inner instincts and inner battles.

"You came here just for a favour of Scarlett and not of me," Lizzie questioned.

You couldn't tell by the tone whether she was angry or upset, she just sounded indifferent. You weren't even bloody sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

"Elizabeth, are you honestly standing there on the moral high ground after the fact you blocked my number?" You scoffed at the audacity of the older woman.

"I didn't.. mean to." She stated defensively.

You almost laughed at that.

"How can you not 'mean to.' Your thumb made a mistake did it? Let me guess, you were having some weird thumb thing and let your thumb slip ever so accidentally on the block this contact and slip on the, confirm button hmm," you stared her down.

It was a few silent second's the beat's of the silence were unbearable and unnerving. Although it couldn't have been longer than 5 seconds it felt like 5 hours and definitely was the longest wait you've had.

Without saying anything, Lizzie's shoulders slumped. You weren't sure what was going on at this stage, it took everything not to let out a strangled laugh.

You didn't find this funny in any given circumstance, no it wasn't. It was just the fact she was that much at a loss for words Lizzie couldn't even look you in the eye and give you a decent apology. She couldn't even do the decent moral thing and s-

"I don't deserve you," she let out as her shoulders wracked with sobs.


This caught you significantly off guard you almost stumbled back slightly.

"Liz wh-?"

"I'm not good enough. I was jealous okay, that's why I ran. I'm not used to having.. good friends one's I can really trust. I thought that I was loosing you to Scarlett. So I did what I do best and hid away my emotions and ran. I pulled the best move I could imagine. If I locked myself away it would be better. But it's not fair on you.." She rambled sliding down the door, letting the tears streak down her face.

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