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In the BTS group that Tae and Jungkook joined, no one will talk to them first, everyone else is older than the two of them, they don't understand why no one wants to be with them. They both consoled each other and became very close friends. Both of them always do everything out of fear, Namjoon, who saw all that, tried hard to somehow reject them both from this group because it was because of them that the BTS group was not progressing, at that time, Jin stopped Namjoon by supporting them.

Because of that they both got an affection for jin, then both of them started talking to jin very naturally and jin also started getting along well with them.

While going like that, one day jin came to their room and fell asleep, that whole night tae kept looking at jin without sleeping, similarly jungkook kept looking at jin without sleeping. Then tae had the thought of touching jin's lips, so tae immediately got up and went out of there, starting to regret his thought. Similarly jungkook also got the thought to kiss jin on the lips and he also got out of there and started getting upset.

Tae thought that he wanted to tell jungkook about this matter and he came to jungkook to talk about it, and likewise jungkook was ready to tell tae what was on his mind. Then both were surprised to see their favorite person's name written on a paper and exchanged, but neither of them got angry.

Then both of them try to impress Jin but Jin doesn't notice them both. Then they both thought maybe Jin didn't want to be gay and gave up on impressing him.  Just like that, three years passed, their group became very famous, and they went to a level that no one expected.

Jungkook had a crush on jin again and immediately proposed to him, at that time jin also said yes to his love. Everyone was happy to hear their love except tae.

Jungkook was having a hard time thinking that he cheated on tae and then he apologized to tae and tae said don't apologize to me take good care of him. Then jungkook took good care of jin, but every time he saw tae, he thought that he had cheated on him, so one day jungkook gave jin a sedative, picked him up and laid him on tae's bed, and he said, "He's yours, do whatever you want."

But tae didn't do anything to him and went to jungkook and said that what you have done is very wrong and he trusts you so much that you have left him to me like this. Hearing that Jungkook says you are my only true friend and I will do anything for you. We both fell in love with him, so he should love both of us, and for that we are going to try our best. He said yes to me, so now you have to make him say yes, you should try for that.

But tae said he can't, then jungkook decided to somehow make him fall in love with jin again, to prove himself wrong he went to a club and kissed a girl, same way every day jungkook went to the club and was with girls, news started coming out about it so tae warned him to not do that. But he didn't listen and kept doing it.

Tae gets very angry and asks Jungkook, why are you doing this? He trusts you a lot and asks why are you cheating him like this. For that jungkook you have to make him fall in love with you too. I want him to love both of us, I'm saying you will understand better, if I shouldn't do this then you should make him love you.

So tae told jin his love indirectly, no matter what he said, jin didn't love him, then if this world talked about jungkook was wrong, but he trusted jungkook without seeing anything, seeing that tae was happy on one side but on the other side he was very sad. Then tae gives up trying again and tells jungkook, he loves you so much even if you make mistakes and the world talks about you wrong, he doesn't believe it and is still there for you so don't cheat on him anymore.

Jungkook tried talking to tae again and again but he didn't know how to listen so he had no choice but to propose to tae in front of everyone and then he told jin hyung that i love him more than you so they broke up.

Tae didn't know what to do and he decided to keep in mind what Jungkook had told him and started trying to make Jin fall in love with him somehow, but he couldn't do anything, then Jungkook gave him an idea and said that he should force him. So Tae also forced him to do everything. And that's how they planned on their one month anniversary, he drugged everyone and tae raped jin, then the next day jungkook heard what jin told jimin about it, so he told tae that we're going to have a problem. Then they plan how to keep jimin away from jin, at that time tae decides that he can do this through his friends and drags his friends into this problem, but his friends have no idea that jungkook is also his best friend.

At first tae misbehaved with him without jin knowing, then tae started misbehaving with jin face to face, Tae warned Jimin not to interfere in their matter but he kept helping jin without asking. So they decided to use something to black mail Jimin and knowing that his friend Park Bogum likes Jimin, they did something to threaten Jimin through him.

No matter what tae tried, jin didn't love him, he tried to cut jungkook's wrist once, but even then jin didn't say ok, then finally, jin told him that you should deny your love to jungkook and propose to me before everyone, then I said ok, tae did the same the next day, but what he didn't expect was that before he proposed, jimin told everyone that he and jin loved each other.

Then tae got very angry with jimin because of that. Then Jungkook says that this is the registration form for you to marry jin, in which you get a sign from jin and only then will he definitely say ok to you. while tae and jungkook were talking about jin, jin's friend ken overheard it all, so in anger jungkook hit him so he fell down speechless, at that time tae told jungkook you leave here first so he left. Tae then texted his friends and asked them to come over, at which point jin came out the door and saw his friend lying down beaten up and angrily lashed out at tae.

Then tae bought a sign from jin at the marriage registration form, he was very happy that he married jin. At that time they got a leave, in that leave tae thought he could be happy with jin, but jin and jimin made other plans and decided to go to jimin's house to be happy without their knowledge and when he was leaving, jungkook saw jin unexpectedly, then jimin hit jungkook on the head to get away from him. He took Jin and escaped in the car.

Jungkook and tae are very confused as to where they escaped and jungkook said jin escaped with Jimin, we have an idea to blackmail him, so call their phone. So tae calls them but both of their numbers are not reached, suddenly after some time jin's phone is reached and jungkook talks to him and then threatens  jimin where they are and jimin to leave that place immediately. After that tae gathers his friends and comes to jin's place angrily, this time he wants to bully jin a lot, but unexpectedly jin tells him that he will give him a chance. Then the minute after he said ok tae texted jungkook that he said ok and jungkook was very happy to hear that but tae wasn't happy because he hated jungkook.

Next tae starts planning to make jin fall in love with jungkook too because he thinks jin should fall in love with both of them. So tae talked to jungkook, I'm going from here to my house, you kidnap jin and take him to that island we both bought, put him there and give jin a gun and tell him to kill you, he definitely won't kill you because he likes you too, then definitely in a final situation he will tell loves both of us, so listen to my idea and do it. At first jungkook says you live happily with him, then finally he says ok to tae's plan.

In the same way jungkook kidnaps him, but unexpectedly jin calls tae's friend, but tae somehow manages them, then as they expected, jin also says that he loves them both, so they both start living with jin very happily. Then at their one year anniversary, they heard what jimin and jin were talking about and understood that something was wrong today night, so they were both pretending to drink infront of everyone, then after everyone slept as they thought happened, jin woke up and went to their room to find out the truth.

When they heard what jin said to jimin, RUN, they got very angry, one thing occurred to tae and jungkook that if jin is alive, he should live with both of us, otherwise he should not be alive in this world.

Jin ran away from them not wanting to live with them, so they both took out their guns and pointed straight at him.

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