i wrote this for ela too

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It was my birthday today, and I was sitting alone on a green bench in the park. The air was still, too still for my liking, and it was unbearable when the clouds would cover the sun... I used to like days like this, when I was really young and had no worries. Now, I focused on what was around me to distract myself from my real concerns.

I invited a couple friends to meet up, but they hadn't come yet. I didn't mind it, of course, because I knew they would be here any minute. Even with that, I couldn't help but worry, though. I grasped a stick in my right hand, and I used it to dig in the dirt next to the bench.

"Don't you think it's annoying, Mr. Worm?"

Everyone would ask things like "How does it feel to be older?" Well right now, it feels annoying.

My spirits were lifted upon finally hearing a giggle that I recognized.

The giggle was Kou's. Kou, Yokoo and Satou were laughing as they walked over, which I just assumed to be about something Yokoo said or did. He was the most extroverted of our friend group after all.

"C'mon Mitsuba!" Yokoo called.

No matter what happened, he always had that same smile on his face. Weird!

I stood up from the bench to join the other boys and we started walking.

"Did you finish the science project with Kou yet?" Satou asked from behind me.

He was tapping my shoulder, so I obviously turned to him. You know, I don't think I noticed that his eyes were so dark before now, but I could tell now. They were the same dark brown as his hair.

Satou was still wearing the school uniform. In fact, everyone else besides me was.

"We were going to work last night, but we had day duty yesterday and he fell asleep." I shot a quick glance at Kou.

Maybe it wasn't entirely true, but similar to how it played out...

"Huh? You fell asleep after you talked about how you needed your beauty sleep or something!"

I giggled. I knew I was provoking him on purpose.

Kou noted that and continued the conversation, "Anyways, did you and Yokoo finish?" They kept talking, and Mitsuba soon fell behind. He took the time to look at everything around him.

From the people scattered about the park having what seemed to be cheerful conversations to the birds that chirped incomprehensible songs together, I realized I felt lonely. It was stupid, wasn't it? There were so many people, and I didn't even try to talk to them myself.

"C'mon Mitsuba... Stop sulking and hurry over!" Yokoo was cheerful as ever.


Satou looked serious, almost a complete contrast from Yokoo. Then there was Kou and I, I guess.

I looked behind me quickly, and Kou turned too. Was he looking at me?

"Ah, uh, okay.." I gave in.

I hurried over to Yokoo's side.

The field on the other side of the bridge was giant. Green grass everywhere, cut lower than the rest of the grass around it. It felt like a secret place for us to play.

It took me a little while to warm up to playing, but when I did, someone hit my back, gasping, "You're it!"

I flinched before I could tell what happened.


It caused a chain reaction. I did the same as he did, running back after Yokoo and soon all four of us were tagging each other zealously. The game had no explanation, rules were unspoken, but we had so much fun. The most I've had in a while, in fact.

Maybe it was the game, or maybe it was the fact that I felt acknowledged.

Whatever it was, I never wanted to let go of it.

I guess we don't get everything we want.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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tbhk oneshots because i have lots of unfinished worksWhere stories live. Discover now