short mitsukou thingy #1 (the better one)

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Mitsuba's backpack drooped on his shoulders, almost weighing him down. But somehow, that was the least of his problems.

"Can't you open the door already...?" He whispered to himself with a shiver.

Kou wasn't answering the door no matter how much Mitsuba knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. Was their doorbell broken or something? If he wasn't knocking loud enough it would make sense, but it was too far with the doorbell.

His thoughts drifted off into worries for a moment, such as "Will he forget about me?" and "Surely he won't just leave me here.." Before returning back to the present, because he saw something bright yellow in the window.

Was it Kou?


The door was unlocking, and soon enough someone opened the door.

He tensed up, ready for anything.

The face that poked out of the doorway was soft and small. Way too small to be Kou's. Wait, Kou didn't have a sister, did he?

That was the one thing he didn't prepare for.

It didn't seem the girl prepared either, because she could only stare back at him.

"Tiara, you can't open the door without asking, remember?" An older voice broke the silence.

With a quick head turn at the person, she retreated back into the house.

He was even more confused than before, which would help no one. Mitsuba kept his composure nonetheless. There was no way he'd mess up so early, in fact, before he even got inside.

But each breath of his reminded him of how cold it was, little white clouds floating for a moment before disappearing into nothing.

As if it was on cue, someone finally opened the door.

"Oh, how long have you been out there?"


Mitsuba could only be glad he finally noticed.

Kou invited Mitsuba in and they both hurried inside.

tbhk oneshots because i have lots of unfinished worksWhere stories live. Discover now