Rise and shine

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Name: Ashley

Powers: Telekinesis and mind manipulation (same powers as Wanda)

Learned abilities: Archery, and fighting

Best friend : Acapella

Enemy: wildcard

Your nicknames and you calls you them : Ash(Everyone) Red (wildcard, Acapella, Wanda/mom, and facemaker) Love and princess (wildcard) Darling (wildcard and Wanda/mom)

Ashley's pov:

*Beep** Beep**Beep*

"Ughhhh shut upppp" I turned off my alarm.

 "Ashley get up and come eat your breakfast" mom yelled " Coming!" 

I ran down stairs to go get breakfast. "Morning mom! Oooooooo pancakes!!" 

"Yep, and also don't forget your coming with me to headquarters today since I'm gonna be gone on a mission" "Orrrrr i could stay home and 'clean'"  and by clean i mean watching netflix for the whole day then ordering food!

" Mhm sure and by clean you mean make an even bigger mess, no thank you, plus Acapella is going be their today since all the heroics are going on the mission" I haven't seen acapella in a while since her parents haven't gone on any missions!

Wait. If it's all the heroics then "So even wildcard..?"  

 "Yes wildcard is also gonna be their" and just like that all my excitement gone. I would love to go see Acapella but even she doesnt make up for the horror of wildcard being there. "Are you sure i cant-" "no, your coming with me to headquarters, and if you complain more about it you're grounded"  Well guess i'm stuck with going. maybe it won't be so bad? Maybe i can just ignore him the whole time and my day won't be ruined. Yeah, i'll just ignore him.


At headquarters

Oh how i couldn't have been more wrong. The first thing i take notice of when i enter the the room is one; Acapella isnt here yet, Two; Guppy and Wheels are at the front of the room while the twins are in the back, Three; Wildcard is here already. Why did i have to jinx myself?

Right before i sat down i heard wildcard say "hey princess" Of course he called me Princess, it's the only thing he calls me besides love and darling. I don't even know why, he just does "what do you want wildcard" 

"ohhhh did someone sleep on the wrong side of the bed" he says with a pout.

"clearly one of us did" I snapped back. The annoyed look on his face was everything. 

After I sat down I decided to work on my magic since Acapella still wasn't here.

After some time i heard wildcard practicing his magic, he was struggling badly, you know what maybe i could help him " need some help?" "No" "You sure about that cuz when you tried to teleport you set the book on fire."

"Are you stalking me love?" He says with a smirk on his face. "I knew this was a bad idea", i just rolled my eyes and turned around i could feel his smirk grow bigger when I said that.

Finally Acapella arrived, she sat next to me and we started to talk. "So how are you and facemaker ?" She said with a smirk on her face " I told you I don't like him"

I could hear a sigh of relief come from wildcard, i turned to look at him and he was blushing lightly and he looked away quickly, did he like me? Was that sigh because I said i didn't like facemaker? Oh who am I kidding he hates me there's no way he would like me, right?

Wildcards pov:

"I told you I don't like him" I sighed when I heard Ashley say that, wait why did i sigh, i really hope she didn't hear it.

Her head the turned to me. She definitely heard it, i could feel a light blush form on my cheeks i looked away quickly. Do i like her? No theirs no way I hate her and she hates me.

Hey guys that the end of this chapter idk if anyone is reading this but if you did end up reading it which I highly doubt you did, leave and comments and sudgestion you have or any ideas. Byee hope y'all like it next part will be poster in about a few hours.

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