Aliens vs Heroics

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Ashley's pov:

Before we could open the door noodles opens it and asked if we wanted to watch are parents fight the aliens.

Obviosly we agreed since we were already going inside but the moment we stepped back inside me and wildcard we're back to being enemy's.

The fight stared and we slowly watched as are parents got captured.

All the heroics have been caught expect for my mom and Missy's dad. I saw mom destroying their ships and being awesome but then they shot her with something, she fell on top of a building she tried to use her powers but they weren't working.

Why weren't they working? She got captured. I just sat their and watched her get brutally get taken away since she continued to fight. I could feel a tear come down my eye.

If they had something that could stop her powers that means they can stop mine too. Shortly after the aliens attacked Missy's dad, he contacted her through her bracelet, she begged him to run but he wouldn't.

Why didn't he run? He had the chance to run?! Why would he leave missy like that not knowing if he would come back to her?

We were all stunned by what happened, then out of no wherever Mrs.Granada popped up and told us not to leave.

We all agreed that we should do what she says but missy thought different she wanted us to leave and i agree with her.

Everyone was stunned to hear that i agreed with her cuz they all thought I would hate her.

Yeah she hit me with a sensitive topic but she didn't know plus even if i did hate her she has a good plan and she's a good leader she even found out about ojos powers.

"Hey Ashley I'm sorry for asking about well you know" " it's ok you didn't know, but now let's get out of here"

When they brought the gaurds into the room

"Yeah so we're gonna need your access cards" "and you think we're just gonna give these to you?"

" No but it would have made this a whole lot easier, cushions!"

" What are those for?" " Trust me you'll find out soon" i went behind them and started to us my mind manipulation power on them, when i finished using it i needed the cushions so they could fall in them.

" Ok done let's go" we started to run down the hall untill the alarms went off, we were surrounded by guards. " That was are only exit" missy said she sounded worried

" not are only one" wildcard said while pointing up to the ceiling hatch. "Are you crazy how are we suppose to get up there?" Fast-forward said
" Acapella we can both use are powers you can float them and i can put them in a formation of stairs!"

I know accapela could make people float but she's not the best a stearing them "Ok, to go up high i half to sing very low"

we both started to use are powers while she sang i used my telekinesis to put them in a formation of stairs.

We all started to climb up and we ran to the tramp. Ok we made it! Now were safe- "but the tramp will only take us out the dome, look their already mobilizing!"

Yeah i spoke too soon "Acapella let's do the same as inside you float i steer!"

"Ok!" " Everyone hold on!" Acapella started to make us float she struggled for a bit but then did it, i was trying to steer but it was getting hard to, i haven't carried anything this heavy, at least not in a while.... We were close to crashing into a building, everyone was motivating me, everyone but wildcard... I was trying and trying but I couldn't, we were about crash into the building.

we can be heroes x avengers (wildcard x oc)Where stories live. Discover now