How do I say sorry?

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Ashley's pov:

"YEAH WALK AWAY!It's better than how you let Thanos take and kill your dad and you just stood their and let him! Which caused you to move here and now I'm stuck dealing with you!"

I froze.. I could feel all eyes on me. I just turned around and all i could say was

"You promised" I sounded so emotionless. I couldn't even recognize myself. After he talked he realized what he did.

Now everyone knows my past my tragic and stupid past. I just looked at him " I- Ashley I- I didn't mean too I-Im so-"

I cut him off before he could finish " don't.. You've said your sorry too many times for the exact same thing. You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone no matter what. Guess I should have learned from last time that your word can't be trusted!"

I didn't know what to do because once one of them remembers the tragedy at wakanda they will peace everything together and realize we're I learned to fight of who taught me and how i can do archery.

They will realize my dad was vision i learned to fight from... Nat and archery from Clint. Im screwed.

Wildcards pov:

"YEAH WALK AWAY!It's better than how you  let Thanos take and kill your dad and you just stood their and let him! Which caused you to move here and now I'm stuck dealing with you!"

Wait-no no no no no, shit! I DID IT AGAIN!She's never gonna forgive me...and i promised her how could I brake her trust... Again!

"You promised." Her voice..the glee that is always in he voice no matter what... It's gone..

" I- Ashley I- I didn't mean too I-Im so-"

" don't.. You've said your sorry too many times for the exact same thing. You promised me you wouldn't tell anyone no matter what. Guess I should have learned from last time that your word can't be trusted"

How can i be so stupid i should have never said that! I should i have told her how i felt a long time ago! I should i have told her... I love her. It's too late now she hates me even more.

Ashley's pov:

A while had passed and we were still on the ship i was playing with my bracelet it had a weird but calming click to it like when I pressed it.

I was doing it for a while and it helped release some of my stress.

I wonder what bracelet it is so i looked down and- "shit.." It's the bracelet nat gave me! THE EMERGENCY BRACELET!

If i click it then one of them is gonna come. No no no no no! I can't have any of them come here!

Ok it usually takes the like 15 minutes to get to see were I am after clicking the button atleast once and the last time I clicked it was......10 minutes ago.


Ok about five minutes have passed so maybe they didn't get the signal i mean we are in space so i should be fine.*thud* *thud* *thud*  "what's that sound?" Why wheels, why!

I'm just gonna put the first letter of their name for a while and I'll add Ashley's thoughts in some.

N: it's coming from the top!

Ac: Could it be another alien attack?

Me: It's probably just some space stuff hitting us yeah?

Wheels: Do you know something Ashley?

Me: no....

F: Yeah you acting kina suspicious.

Me: no I'm not!

G: Um guys theirs something like crawling? It's big.

Me: (no no no no no go away)

R&FF: It looks like a spider?

Me: Peter?!

Wild: (Peter as in her old crush Peter?!)

P: Hey Ashley! We got your alert!

M: Alert?

Me: I have a bracelet that can send... Some people and alert if I'm in danger. I accidentally pressed it earlier..

P: So how can I get in?

Me: you can't dummy you half to wait till we land and also i like the suit! More upgrades?

P: Yep!

Wild: yEp * he says mockingly but quietly

F: You jealous?

Wild: what why would I be jealous?

F: I can tell you like her we all can and that she likes you.

Wild: yeah right i would never like her plus If i did then it's too late since Mr.sPidEy is here.

F: and on how you screwed up earlier

Wild: yeah and that....

F: I'm pretty sure she still likes you though

Wild: What makes you say that? Not that i care! Just curious..

F: Mhm well after that whole Argument happened she stood up thinking no one was looking and walked over to you and was gonna say something to you but backed down and went back to the corner

W: oh

Right when their landing:

I jumped out of the ship and ran to hug Peter. I haven't seen him in so many years and i missed him.

" I missed you so much Pete!" "Missed you too ash" " Hows everyone else?"

"Their good we actually have a new recruit well not really but we all know her, her name is Kate y'all too would actually get along really well and if you ever wanna meet her or come back we still got your room their for you?"

"We talked about this I'm not coming back....but anyways how's Morgan..?" " She's actually in middle school now and she's really happy"

(By the way let's act like Peter is the same age as us i know it doesn't make sense but yeah👍)

Hey guys i know i haven't posted to this story in a long time. I kinda lost motivation to continue it but I'm gonna try my best to continue. Also PLSS don't be a silent reader. Also i know this is a weird end of chapter but yeah I'll try to post the next chapter soon.

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