New girl

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Abwhile passed and everyone was here, me and  Acapella decided to float around and use are powers. Then noodles said to sit down because Mrs.Granada was coming.

Why would she be coming though, everyone's already here? I sat down and decided to not over think it.

When she came in she was with this girl i had never seen she looked like she was the same age as me, Mrs.Granada told her to sit next to fast-forward.

When she left we waited to make sure the coast was clear, then noodles confirmed it was.

I decided to work on my powers again the new girl looked like she saw a ghost, i think her name was missy.

Wheels then rolled up to her and introduced her to everyone except me and wildcard.

Then wheels got to me "This is Ashley her mom is scarlet witch, she has the same powers as her mom"

"hey" i said " hi " she sounded kinda nervous. " I'm wildcard i have every power imaginable in the world" " yeah but you can't even control it" I said laughing, he rolled his eyes

"So new girl what's your super power?"he said standing up i decide to stand up so i could hear in the conversation

" Well you see with the whole powers thing-" before she could finish facemaker interrupted her and said " hey! I remember you your Marcus Moreno's kid!"

"Yup my dad hasn't been on any mission in a while so I've just been chillin with the normal kids" " why would they put i kid with superpowers in with the normal kids? Oh i get it you don't have any powers"

I slapped wildcards arm when he said that "OW" " your powerless?!" Wheels said that sounding disappointed so then i slapped his arm too "OW"

  missy then just left and sat in her seat and then me and wildcard we're arguing

" at least i have every power imaginable!" " Yeah you can't brag about that if you can't even control it"

" whatever, when I'm able to control I'ma be more powerful than you"

" at least i don't half to always rely on my powers" we just continued arguing.

3rd person pov:

"Hey wheel's?" "Yeah?" "What did Ashley mean by she didn't half to rely on her powers all the time?"

"Oh i forgot to tell you, so pretty much Ashley doesn't always half to rely on her powers cuz she's really good at archery and fighting, and by that i mean like really good we had her shoot at blinding fast and she hit him 5 times OBVIOSLY we gave him armour but she never misses, and she's also a really good fighter like she could beat anyone"

" Woah cool, who taught her" " no one knows she never told us, but- " before he could finish she went to talk to Ashley.

Ashley's pov:

While i was arguing with wildcard missy came up to me to ask me something "Hey Ashley?" "yeah?"

"Where did you learn to do archery and fight?" The whole room became quiet when she asked that " H-how do you know I can fight and do archery?"

"Wheels told me, why?" "I- um- I- cant- um" Im frozen i can't talk i keep on having flashbacks about my life before i moved, all i could do was just stand their.

When I could finally move a bit i just left the room and sat next to the door on the floor, i could feel tears roll down my eyes.

In the room third person pov:

After Ashley walked out of the room everything was silent until Acapella went to wheels and said " WTF DID YOU DO! YOU KNOW ASHLEY DOESN'T LIKE PEOPLE KNOWING SHE CAN DO THAT UNLESS SHE TELLS THEM SO THAT WAY THEY DON'T ASK STUPID QUESTIONS LIKE MISSY JUST DID!"

" I was about to tell her to not ask that but then she walked away!" "YOU STILL SHOULDN'T HAVE TOLD HER!"

Acapella then walked over to wildcard and told him "Go out their and see if she's ok!" " Why should I go your her bestfriend I'm literally her enemy!?"

" You don't think i want to!? Your the last person I would let go near her especially when she's sad, but I can't help because I don't know what is the exact problem and as much as it hurts me, you do, so please go out their and see if she's ok!" " Fine."

Missy's pov:

"YOU STILL SHOULDN'T HAVE TOLD HER!" i saw as Acapella went to go tell wildcard to see if Ashley was ok, I didn't know that it  was a sensitive topic i need to ask wheels.

"Wheels?" " Oh hey what do you need missy?" " Well i was wondering if you could tell me what happend so i don't cause this again.." i really hope he tells me.

" Oh um yeah sure we'll pretty much we don't know anything about Ashley's past before she moved here we know it's a sensitive topic for her so we never ask her the only person that know her full past in wildcard"

" wait but aren't they enemies why should she tell him if they were enemies?"

"Well when she first moved here they were actually best friends but then something happens between them nobody know what it was we just know it was bad, that part of the reason she lets him call her love, princess, and darling, she doesn't want him to tell everyone her past" "oh, then i screwed up big time" "yeah.."

Ashley's pov:

I could hear Acapella and wildcard arguing moments later wildcard came out of the room and sat down next to me. " Hey you ok?"

When he asked me his voice was calm and sounded worried, it didn't matter thought cuz I still hate him

"Don't act like you care" "I asked you a question" "yeah I'm fine"

I was sad but I didn't want him to know that "Don't forget that I usto be your best friend so i can tell when your lying"

"whatever wildcard like i said before don't act like you care"

"I do care, you know we may be enemies but I know this topic is sensitive for you and I know me not caring about it last time ruined things"

I always try to forget what he did and see if maybe we could be friends but when ever it comes up i can't help but hate him " yeah it did and you know i could never forgive you for it"

"I know but for this tiny moment if you want to we can pretend we're not enemies and were bestfriend like how we usto be?"

Should I? I mean what if he's just playing with me? I guess their only one way to find out. "Fine but we don't tell anyone."

He laughed a little it was soft and quiet "cuddles?" He opens his arm so i could cuddle him, he was was warm and for some reason i felt safe and protected in his arms.

While we were cuddling i still wanted to cry but I didn't want him to see me cry, but the he just said "I know you still need to cry i can feel it, just let it all out" so i did, i just kept on crying and crying until I finally stopped.

When I stopped we sat their for a few minutes the i decide to break the silence and say " please don't tell anyone about my past" " Even though were enemies i would never do that" " thank you"

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any suggestions just comment them and i will do my best to answer them. Also this book won't be a lot like the movie it will still be like with the aliens and everything but it's gonna have a lot of extra scenes. I hope y'all like this chapter and the book so far byeee!

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