Chapter One

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Hello lovely human beings! Welcome to this story! It's another Muggle AU Harry Potter, this time it's Golden Era. HOWEVER James and Lily are still alive as is everyone else. There will be some backstory don't worry I'm not just launching you into this without context. Happy reading!



Harry was just 11 years old when he was inducted into a high-ranking school just south of where he lived. He quickly took the opportunity, as his parents both went to the school and are quite successful. Hogwarts. His safe-haven. And soon to be his home. The day he had to catch the train, both James and Lily Potter followed close behind him. With the trio came James' friends Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin as well as Lily's friends Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald, and Marlene's girlfriend: Dorcas Meadowes. All of them went to Hogwarts. Harry's godfather, Sirius Black, would have come but he was in jail for a crime everyone was certain he hadn't committed.

Harry waves goodbye to his parents and relations as the train pulls away from the station. He's alone in his compartment, but not for long. Soon after he sits down, a redheaded boy steps in looking lost.

"Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full."

"Sure. I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

"Oh, I'm Ron. Ron Weasely." They had just gotten into a conversation about their favorite sports teams, not that Harry paid much attention to sports, when a bushy-haired brunette opened the door.

"Have any of you seen a toad? Neville's lost one."

"Can't say I have," Harry responds.
"Neither," Ron adds.

"I'm Hermione Granger. are?"

"Ron Weasely."

"Pleasure." She turns to leave, but hesitates. Hermione turns back to face them. "You have dirt on your nose, by the way." She motions to the spot on her own nose where there was, in fact, dirt on Ron's. Ron rubs the dirt away as Hermione leaves the compartment.

After Ron, Hermione, and Harry won a scavenger hunt for a stone painted red, they became best friends. Inseparable. You'd never see one without at least one other, other than when Hermione would go to her dorm.

And so, here we are in their fifth year. Sirius was let out of prison in his third and now they keep steady correspondence. Everything is going great in Harry's life. He's dating Cho Chang, who's previous boyfriend left the school. Ron is with Lavender and his sister, Ginny, is with their roommate, Dean Thomas. However... nothing stays fine when...well- when everything goes wrong. Dean Thomas was caught in a compromising situation with another roommate, Seamus Finnigan. Ginny was devastated, but got over it with the help of her large ginger family. Cho Chang broke up with Harry when Cedric, her ex, came back to school. Ron broke up with Lavender for undisclosed reasons, and the inter-house feud was stronger than ever. Slytherin, known for their academic and sport trophies, despised Gryffindor, who won the sport trophy in Harry's first year. Because of this he has lots of enemies, including a certain platinum-blond. Anyhow, Harry was studying with Hermione when this blond came in searching for trouble.


"Malfoy. What do you want?"

"Can't I come to the library without wanting something?"
"Course not, Malfoy."

"If you really want to know, I need a book. Better?"
"Much. Now get your book and go."

"Harry," Hermione says warningly.

"Ha, your girlfriend has to keep you in check."

"Not my girlfriend, Malfoy."

"Right. You're probably single."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No. Just sad." Harry rolls his eyes as Malfoy takes his leave, getting a book off the shelf and leaving without checking it out. Monster.

Cooking Class is easily Harry's worst and least favorite class. Professor Snape is a greasy-haired man who knows his father and hates Harry. Also they have the class with the Slytherins.

"Silence, class. Today we will be making..." Harry droned out as soon as Snape began, so he was watching an ant crawl on his textbooks when everyone started moving.

"Harry! Did you not hear what he said?"
"Course I did... I just don't remember. What was it?"
"Pairing with the Slytherins." She looks around at the three Slytherins without partners. Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini. Pansy came and paired with Hermione instantly, and Ron took Blaise shortly after, leaving Harry with Draco. Harry sits down, making Draco walk over to him with his book.

"Potter," Draco says in way of greeting.


"Can we make a truce? Pansy and Blaise are asking Weasley and Granger the same thing, respectively."
"What would this truce entail?"

"We don't need to be friends, but we don't hate each other. Please?" It was quite unlike Malfoy to say 'please', so Harry assumes something is up.

"You swear?"

"I swear there is nothing wrong. No harm will come to you or your friends or the entire Gryffindor house, other than friendly teasing."

"Fine. But only if Ron and Hermione say yes." Harry immediately turns to his friends, who are both looking at him from the table in front. Hermione nods slightly while Ron squints with one eyebrow slightly raised. Harry purses his lips in response. 'Are we sure?' Hermione tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and shakes her fist beside her face as she puts her hand back at her side. 'What else could we do?' They both turn to Ron, still with his eyebrow raised. He nods and they all turn back to their respective partners. "We'll do it."

"What the hell just happened? You talked to each other without talking," Malfoy asks, looking confused.

"We came up with a little bit of a language that only we could understand so that we can silently make decisions. Does that answer your questions?"

"Completely. So we have a deal?"
"Deal." They finish the work in companionable conversation, asking about trivial things like favorite colors and animals. At the end of the lesson, they say a polite farewell and go their separate ways, Harry desperately confused about what just happened.

Thanks for reading! Now, I'm thinking about writing every other chapter Golden Era and the rest be Marauders? I miss them. Tell me if you like that idea. Also please tell me if there are any spelling/grammar errors. Happy reading!!


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