Chapter Five

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Warning: there is one swear in this chapter. Happy reading!!


The football final between Gryffindor and Slytherin made things extra chaotic for inter-house friendships. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were supporting Gryffindor, mostly, so it was basically Slytherin against the rest of the school. Harry and Draco were still good friends, as were Pansy and Hermione. Blaise and Ron always seemed a Anyhow, Harry and Draco can't practice together anymore, which was one of their favorite things to do. Harry's captain, Angelina Johnson, has made that very clear. And it wouldn't have been any different with his old captain, Oliver Wood, who now plays professionally. And so, Harry and Draco are finding any free time to hang out together, including mealtimes and free periods. So after one of the teachers got sick and they had a free period, they utilized that time by going to the Room of Requirements, which used to be a common area for houses to congregate, so it has a fireplace and furniture, before the houses started hating each other. Ironic.

"Thank goodness Binns got sick," Harry says, falling back on one of the couches.

"Yeah. Hate that guy," Draco says, sitting beside him. Well, more perpendicular to him as he's leaning his back against the armrest and resting his feet on Harry's knee.

"Don't we all? What do you want to do?"


"Alright. Have fun sleeping."

"Actually..." Draco says, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Oh no, what is it?"

"Well, it's Friday and that was the last period."


"We should throw a party."

"We absolutely should not."

"Yes! It'll be fun! And a great way to bring houses together! We can throw it here! Isn't that what this room is for?"

"Technically speaking it's for congregating and hanging out."

"Exactly! A party!"

"We'll need two prefects to approve it."

"We already have me. You can ask Weasley and Granger and I'll ask Pansy. That means our chances are high for getting another approval."

"You're sure?"


"Alright. I'll ask them later, Ron will probably say yes, maybe not Hermione."

"Pansy might. We'll see. Since our chances are high, do you want to start planning?"

"Sure. We'll need music, food, drinks, that it?"


"I was thinking word of mouth," Harry says. 

"Makes sense. You get food I'll get drinks? Technically neither of us are allowed to get alcohol, but I know where I can get some."

"I can get food. I know someone who works in the kitchen."

"Perfect. While we're doing that, try to find Weasley and ask. Or Granger, but we have less of a chance with her."

"I will." And with that, they left the room and went their separate ways.


"Ron!" Harry yells, catching up to his redheaded friend.

"What is it?"

"Will you allow a party this afternoon? Draco and I want to throw one."

"That sounds bloody awesome. We haven't had a party in ages."

"Thanks, mate. Spread the word!"

"Alright," Ron says, clapping Harry on the shoulder before turning to Dean and telling him, but by then Harry was long gone. As Harry runs through the halls, he bumps into someone. 

"Hey, Harry."

"Mr Lupin?"

"Please, call me Remus. Or Moony. I'm not a teacher anymore," Remus says, dusting off his cloak and straightening his tie. (course it's as unstraight as him)

"Oh, ok Remus. Nope, feels too weird. What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to Minerva. What has you racing through the halls? You're not supposed to run."

"Like you said, you're not a teacher anymore. Why would you care about such foolish rules? Also, don't tell anyone, but we're throwing a party."

"I remember a party when I was in fifth year. Sirius and I spent the whole night in the kitchens talking. And playing games."


"Yeah. We threw chips as the other tried to catch it in their mouth. Good times."

"I'm sure. Why are you seeing Minerva?"

"That's Professor McGonagall to you." Harry rolls his eyes as Remus' smirk. "And that's information for me to know and you to find out. I should go, it was nice to see you, Harry."

"Same to you, Sir."

"Harry, you're basically my nephew."

"It's weird calling you 'Remus' though."

"That's fine. Goodbye, Harry."

"Bye!" They walk their separate ways, both thinking about what Remus told Harry. About the fifth year party. Remus smiles at the memory.


Later that night, in the ROR, everybody is dancing and drinking 'butterbeer', so Harry thought now was a good time to talk to his friends.

"Hello, Hermione. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just nervous." Harry wipes his hands on his robes and rolls his shoulder back.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. I need to tell you something."

"You don't need to, Harry. Only if you're comfortable with it." Harry knows Hermoine'll take this well, she's a good person. He's nervous anyway.

"Yeah I am. I kinda, sort of, maybe have a crush on someone."

"Ooh, who is it? Do you need advice? Can I have a name?"

"The thing is..." Harry drags a hand across his face. "it's not a... girl."

"I still want a name," Hermione is still grinning. "Oh, is that what you were worried about telling me? Harry! I love you." She hugs him and he thinks he might wake up from this dreamland any minute. "So, who is it? Wait, I bet I can guess."

"Go ahead," Harry says, pulling away from her.

"Malfoy." Harry nods and Hermione squeals.

"I knew it! I'll be right back, GINNY! PAY UP, GIRL!" Harry shakes his head in silent laughter as Hermione walks away, but she turns back to him and winks before continuing on her quest for Ginny.

"So... the famous Harry Potter has a crush on his enemy, Draco Malfoy?" Shit.

I hope you like this chapter! Any recommendations you have feel free to comment them:


If you don't have any recs that's ok, but tell me if you do. It's likely that no one will read this, but if you do, have a good day/night and happy reading!!


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