Chapter Eight

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Hello! Thanks so much for fifty reads! I can't even believe it! It might not seem like a lot to you, but it is to me. To celebrate, there's a make out scene at the end of this. I don't know how to label it, it has no sex. It's just kissing. Take that as you will and happy reading!!


"Don't tell me you fancy Peter!" Remus says jokingly.

"No! 'Course not, Moons," Sirius responds, still serious. (Pun intended.)

"Fine, show me then." Remus is roughly pulled up so they're both standing and quickly pushed against the tree, Sirius' body pressed into his. Remus' hands fly back as soon as he sees Sirius' expression. "P-Padfoot?"

"Can you figure it out yet, Re?"

"No..." he doesn't know what gave him the confidence to say this. "I think you need to show me more." Sirius blinks, stepping back from Remus with a dazed, regretful face.

"What do you mean?"

"This," Remus says, reaching out and pulling Sirius towards himself. Their faces are mere inches apart. Then a single inch. They're both breathing heavily, their breath fanning out onto the other. Remus dares a glance at Sirius' mouth, but quickly looks back into his stormy gray eyes.


"Padfoot. Do you want this as much as me?"

"Yes." That word alone was all it took to undo Remus. He brings his face forwards, closing the remaining distance between the two. He kisses Sirius hard, as he's been wanting to do for all these years. Sirius kisses back with the same passion, but falls apart when Remus bites his bottom lip. Sirius moans and his weight falls completely into Remus, who spins them around so that Sirius is against the tree. He places his knee in between Sirius' legs, tearing another moan from the long-haired boy. Remus smirks, placing one hand on the shorter boy's waist while the other grapples for his hand. Once they're gripping each other's hands, Remus raises them above Sirius' head, flushing their entire bodies. He starts kissing down Sirius' neck, the shorter boy falling apart more and more the further he goes down. Sirius is panting and every time he catches his breath, Moony bites his pulse-point, sending him into another blissful state. 

Eventually, after Sirius' neck is thoroughly marked, Remus lifts his head up and puts their foreheads together. He stares into Sirius' eyes, but Sirius has to ruin it by winking and causing them both to start laughing. After Remus recovers from his fit of laughter, he kisses Sirius on the cheek and takes his hands in his own.

"You have no clue how long I've wanted to do that."

"Oh yeah, how long?"

"Third year," Remus says, looking at the ground.

"Pfft, weak," Sirius says, making the taller boy look back at him. He raises an eyebrow in a silent question. "Second year."


"Second year, for me. You were so cute in your giant sweaters. I didn't know what it was at first, but I knew I wanted to stay 'friends' with you forever."


"Third year I realized it was a crush. Fourth I realized it was more than that. It hadn't gone away, I didn't think about anyone else the way I thought about you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Tonight, with James, I asked him what falling in love feels like."


"I love you, Remus Lupin. So much. Forever, and ever, and ever. I love you, and 'love' doesn't even begin to explain it."

"I need you in my life, Sirius. You're the best thing about Hogwarts for me. I love James and Peter, but not the way I love you." 

Thanks for reading my story! If you're looking for more muggle Wolfstar fluff, you should check out my Wolfstar AU. I'll update soon. Probably. Happy reading!!


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