chapter one - the beginning

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Disclaimer!: I don't own marvel or MLB. And this is just an AU!!!! (also i used google translate for the Russian so apologies if its not 100% correct)

AU explanation: Marinette is not the daughter of Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng. She was born as an experiment between HYDRA and the Red Room. The Red Room and HYDRA made their two strongest soldiers (Natasha Romanoff and James 'Bucky' Barnes) have a child together in order to mix their DNA. And as a result Maryia (or as you know her, Marinette) was born. Raised between both facilities, Maryia became the most feared and efficient child assassin there ever was, with all the training from the moment she came into the world, to the part super soldier DNA and the super spy DNA she was perfect. She was nicknamed the Crimson Bug, Because of her Crimson red suit, and how she was so small and agile. Maryia is currently on her latest mission, Stationed in PARIS, France: Maryia plays the part of timid, pushover Marinette Dupain-Cheng and she was to eliminate the terrorist hawkmoth, who just so happens to be screwing up the Red Rooms control over the French government.

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* I opened my eyes and sighed. I rolled out of bed and checked the time. The clock read 5:00 AM. You might be wondering why I'm up this early, a normal teen sleeps as much as they can right? Sadly I am no normal teenager, my name is Maryia Romanoff and i'm an agent for the Red Room and for HYDRA. You may be wondering why me, a fifteen year old girl is an assassin. might I add, the most infamous assassin that ever lived.

I am currently in Paris on a mission, it's normal. the procedure; get in, get info, strike, leave your mark. I'm currently at stage two, I have gathered all of my information, I only need to get the all good from HQ and then I'll be gone as quickly as I came. For the past month I have been posing as a student at Françoise DuPont and gaining information on hawkmoths son, adrien agreste. It's kinda weird how nobody even questions why i'm so obsessed with him, it's really easy to play it off as like a massive obsessive crush - ew.

Anyway, I needed to get ready for school. but before that I picked up my HYDRA issued tablet and checked for any mission updates, there was only one. she shivered in excitement when she saw it: разрешение предоставлено, уничтожение немедленно. (Permission granted, annihilation immediately.) With that notice I went to change.

I put on my spy suit, the standard widow costume with combat boots and a skintight bodysuit. I took out all of my knives and strapped them in, all 24. (you can never have too many knives) I then opened a drawer in my dresser and took out two guns, one pistol and one an M4, Vz 61 Skorpion. I loaded both of them and then put on my mask, only covering the bottom half of my face. Before I set out I braided my hair into a ponytail (like yelena) and then I was off.

I slung the M4, Vz 61 Skorpion onto my back and climbed out of the loft onto the roof. I ran across the rooftops of Paris, silent as a mouse, jumping from roof to roof. I checked my watch, I Could make it in time to shoot him through his bedroom window, before he even woke up. As the agreste mansion came into view I scouted for a good spot. I found one on a roof almost directly opposite the bedroom of my target. I touched my earpiece and asked for permission before I prepared the shot. "разрешение на убийство" (permission to kill.) the answer I got was: "разрешение получено" (permission granted).

I lay on the rooftop, sniper-style and prepared my gun. I waited until I saw Adrien walk out the door on his way to school, accompanied by the gorilla-looking bodyguard and Natalie. As soon as they were in the car Gabriel opened his curtains. Without a second to waste I pulled the trigger. Bullseye. right through his heart, I saw him slump onto the floor, no longer breathing. I spoke into my earpiece "Миссия выполнена" (mission completed.) The reply I got was "хороший. возвращайся в школу, и мы пошлем за тобой." (good. return to school and we will send for you.)

I quickly picked myself up and made my way back to the house, changing into school - appropriate clothing, but still having my weapons easily accessible.

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